Jaden Philogene


Senior Member
I was very surprised when I saw the links. He has got talent but I’m still sceptical if he’d have much impact in the PL currently.

I did assume we’d get him back after shipping him to Hull but signing Rogers and Iling Jr I guess closed the door on that.

The sensible choice would be to go to Everton or somewhere like that and see if he can make the step up.
He is levels above Iling Jr. in my opinion, although I think he might be used as a LB.


Senior Member
Turns out his agent literally flew to Barcelona, and went to take pictures in the club's parking lot and posted them ( to drive up the interest from PL) until security spotted him and escorted him out. :lol: :alien:

And Fabrizio fell for it hook line and sinker. Proof that these so-called journalists are clueless.


Well-known member
Turns out his agent literally flew to Barcelona, and went to take pictures in the club's parking lot and posted them ( to drive up the interest from PL) until security spotted him and escorted him out. :lol: :alien:

And Fabrizio fell for it hook line and sinker. Proof that these so-called journalists are clueless.
Hilarious move

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