Joan Laporta


Senior Member
It's made funnier and shows he just argues for the sake of arguing, by the fact that every opportunity he gets, he brings up how the club has to pay 40m per season and blah blah blah.

Hence he's against the 25 year deal too and would still sell our best players if he was the one in charge, thank goodness he isn't 🤣🤣.

Selling TV rights was the right call.

Sell out best players was a dumb call, that would be made by people who never makes real decisions in their life.
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Senior Member
Jamdav is the type of dude, where if he's in a financial crisis and he suggested selling his house,but his wife said no let's sell the car instead, we need our home.

Wife thought she could sell the car for $5, then goes out and gets $10, he'll look at her dead in the eyes and say

"see I was right about selling the house, because you got a better deal than you said initially 🤣🤣".

Who the hell was going to take 50 year deal over the 25 years if they knew it was available, such a stupid point to argue.

What was never ever an option
What was never at any point entertained, was selling our best players, thank goodness for that, it was always a nonsense idea, like I said and maybe a few others.

Nope.. selling the players could get money for was put up as even a better alternative than the deal that would have put future of club at risk.. a deal you said made sense..

Few days later the club then rejected that deal and said... cant accept as puts future of club at risk and they would have a televised meeting that socios could vote on for levers.

Which I watched.. and said agreed with.

All on here dont worry.

Selling better players and starting to rebuild was 100% better for future of club than accepting that awful 40 yr deal that some thought 'made sense to businessmen'.. turned out board agreed with me about how bad it was.

Incidentally the four players discussed who could take in most funds.. Aruajo - who you wanted sold at one point, FDJ who still want sold, then Pedri/Gavi.

So two of four wanted sold anyway.


Senior Member
It's made funnier and shows he just argues for the sake of arguing, by the fact that every opportunity he gets, he brings up how the club has to pay 40m per season and blah blah blah.

Hence he's against the 25 year deal too and would still sell our best players if he was the one in charge, thank goodness he isn't 🤣🤣.

Selling TV rights was the right call.

Sell out best players was a dumb call, that would be made by people who never makes real decisions in there life.

Fake news... its on here what I thought of the revised levers deals at the time.. when you would have signed off on deal that board said damaged long term future.

'All businessmen would take this deal'.


Selling Gavi/Pedri better than that 40 year deal on horrendous terms you thought made sense... it was that bad.

Yes the club paying 40m a season is relevant to salary cap... something you have shown time and again dont understand.

Go tell us how shite Lamine is again.


Senior Member
That defence not being line up on correct sides is irritating for the comparison.

Barca are building a top squad aint no doubt.

Adding Kounde/Christensen and loaning Cancelo on top of inheriting Balde/Araujo is much improved situation.

Cancelo shouls stay next summer. Can see City being better to deal with than Atletico for Felix.


Senior Member
If Felix doesn't stay then there are quite a few options on the market. Olmo with a low BO and Nico for free, for example.

If Cancelo continues as started then we will have much more issues finding an alternative.

Market is starved of pacy technically offensive fullbacks right now. Maybe keep an eye on Yan Couto whose game seems to be on the up and will never get a shot in City. But other than going unproven in Brazil, not seeing much around Europe.

Fressy is out of the equation completely now, but will be a different fish to Cancelo once tactics adapted to attacking FB.

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