Joan Laporta


Senior Member
He had the best campaign by miles.
You might disagree with some elements, and myself I don't agree with everything.

But the others are not even close.
Laporta did not even have a campaign, he is just recycling mottos and selling nostalgia without any actual plan after becoming president.

If these numbers are true, there are not indicating that Laporta's campaign is any good, rather they are indicating how clueless and uninformed socios are, and they express preference just based on the name of the candidate

Yes, awful.
Laporta has been actually doing good stuff with his campaign among socios past few weeks. Not the best campaigns but at least a typical solid one.
Font? He should fire his campaign manager, I don't think he realizes who he is targeting. Guy is working hard to win the internet, not the socios.
Most people in every aspect are "clueless and uninformed" and it is the job of campaign to actually reach those people.


Senior Member
Font had some good ideas but he was clearly like Khaled said above, focusing too much on the Twitter crowd.

Laporta had a bad campaign back in 2015, he relied too much on Nostalgia and also relied too much on the idea people hated Barto enough that he can swing stuff his way. This time around he is far more prepared than he was the last time.


Senior Member
Font had some good ideas but he was clearly like Khaled said above, focusing too much on the Twitter crowd.

Laporta had a bad campaign back in 2015, he relied too much on Nostalgia and also relied too much on the idea people hated Barto enough that he can swing stuff his way. This time around he is far more prepared than he was the last time.

Nostalgia is not a plan though...

I am not in Cataluna, so I don't have any first hand experience whether Font's campaign is reaching the socios there. Maybe someone residing in the area can confirm or deny if that's the case.
But I was referring to the unwillingness of certain socios to get informed about the content of the campaign of a candidate they don't know his name, and on the other hand their willingness to blindly follow a candidate they know irrespective of what he says.


Senior Member
Campaigns is about reaching voters, not about hoping that voters reach you. It isn't about the plans and ideas, it is about marketing and PR.

Laporta isn't some kind of cules semi-god who you can't be beaten. His enemy got a historical win in 2010 when Laporta had a candidate he supported, he himself lost badly in 2015.

His biggest win, came as an underdog btw. You can reach voters and socios if you work for it.

Now we can agree he doesn't even run the best campaign, but if he is making such landslide victory in polls, then other candidates have themselves to blame.

Font is wealthy candidate with lots of connection too, so he should be making the gap small. If he loses by small margin, then I can get that idea that socios mentality is an issue.

Also, never understood why Font pushed so hard for early elections when he was clearly the underdog, he actually needed time to build up the hype.

Blaming voters for not being educated should never be a thing in 2020, you can reach voters with well functioned campaign. It is your job to convince those idiots, and not to act like a superior person who suffers from their ignorance.

That said, if Font somewhat surprised us and win, then this is actually a very good news, since it means he was able to plan a great campaign that speaks of his abilities.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Laporta's so-called "Program", pretty much the best place so far to learn anything at all about Laporta's agenda and ideas. Mostly ideas and promises he wants to make with the socis and the penyas. Not much about anything else.


Senior Member
Laporta's so-called "Program", pretty much the best place so far to learn anything at all about Laporta's agenda and ideas. Mostly ideas and promises he wants to make with the socis and the penyas. Not much about anything else.

None of the candidates has a meaningful program. Laporta at least has experience and has proven himself.


Senior Member
No but have you seen Font?s?


If I speak......

they 100% put the strap on and have a go at Font in the same time.

0 confidence in Font.

On the other hand Laporta is a well known alpha dawg with a lay count of +200 supermodels.

I might have noticed him in one of my parties in Barcelona with only high tier women being allowed inside. At one point there was a shortage of women on the rooftop and was wondering where they are . I went inside my penthouse and I saw Laporta with 10 naked women in front of him , laying on their back , each with a line of coke on their ass.

Normally I would have kicked him out because I didn't invite him in the first place, and I don't like pretenders , but I noticed at the same time that he is a high tier alpha male who deserved my handshake , which I offered to him and let him do his business with those supermodels.

I realised in that moment that Laporta is the true leader of Barcelona and women and that he has my confidence in leading the club.

Sorry dawgs but Laporta any day of the week.


New member
they 100% put the strap on and have a go at Font in the same time.

0 confidence in Font.

On the other hand Laporta is a well known alpha dawg with a lay count of +200 supermodels.

I might have noticed him in one of my parties in Barcelona with only high tier women being allowed inside. At one point there was a shortage of women on the rooftop and was wondering where they are . I went inside my penthouse and I saw Laporta with 10 naked women in front of him , laying on their back , each with a line of coke on their ass.

Normally I would have kicked him out because I didn't invite him in the first place, and I don't like pretenders , but I noticed at the same time that he is a high tier alpha male who deserved my handshake , which I offered to him and let him do his business with those supermodels.

I realised in that moment that Laporta is the true leader of Barcelona and women and that he has my confidence in leading the club.

Sorry dawgs but Laporta any day of the week.

Laporta’s female team:



Staff member
Font sounds like a genuine idiot. Answer for everything is Xavi. And what's this photo? Virtual signaling and pampering to sjws.
Do these people know who watch football and make it exist?

We are having massive structural problems that threaten Barca future. But yeah, promote hollow agendas and sing mantras while the club is sinking.


Senior Member
Font sounds like a genuine idiot. Answer for everything is Xavi. And what's this photo? Virtual signaling and pampering to sjws.
Do these people know who watch football and make it exist?

We are having massive structural problems that threaten Barca future. But yeah, promote hollow agendas and sing mantras while the club is sinking.

Don't worry dawg, Laporta EASILY wins these elections.


New member
Rumours on twitter that Laporta will announce Overmars as possible Sporting Director.....

Font and Jordi Cruyff in the mud.

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