João Félix


Staff member
He missed a penalty that happened to be only one in 5 series. Can happen to anyone.

Not a reason to let him go. Reasons, however, are plentiful as it is and he is not what we need.



Senior Member
As said in the Euros thread feel bad for him to miss a pen but at the same time great that CR is out.

Don't dislike him as a player, there is clearly a talent somewhere in there but needs the right club/coach to unlock him. And that's obviously not Barca. Maybe return to Benfica is what he needs at this stage of his career and he can try at a bigger club in top league again in 2-3 years.

Likes of KDB and Salah have also flopped at Chelsea and had to make a step back in their careers before they became what they are today. Not saying Felix will do the same but just that there is always a possibility. And I'll be happy for him if he'll finally make something out of his career. For now he's just a 100m flop. But at least he's not ours.


Senior Member
Missing a pen can happen to anyone, who cares. That being said don't fucking sign him. Not on loan, not even if Atletico pays us. Settling for him is accepting mediocrity.


Well-known member
Yeah if Fati wants to stay, we don't need Felix even on the bench He's sadly a mental midget. It always hurts to see so much talent wasted. If he'd play every game like he did against Atletico, he would be a priority signing this summer. He needs a psychologist who can turn him from a sissy to a competitive attitude. But the first step is for him to see it and that will probably never happen. Wouldn't surprise me, if we see him in the MLS/Arabia soon.
He can't stay in Spain, no one else can pay his salary aside from mid PL clubs and then it's only Arab money left for him.


Well-known member
Missing a pen can happen to anyone, who cares. That being said don't fucking sign him. Not on loan, not even if Atletico pays us. Settling for him is accepting mediocrity.
Spot on. Felix is okay, but we need wingers with pace, dribble etc. Cheaper version of Williams or Yamal. Felix isnt fit to play the wing position for Barca.


Well-known member
Joao Felix is the biggest nothing footballer I've ever seen. I'd say he's a "wasted talent" but I don't think he's ever actually been good


Senior Member
Don't think we need a winger on left side at all as Balde/Cancelo operate as wingers.

Cancelo yes, but Balde makes deep runs from the back, he doesn't do well coming from attacking 1/3
And his delivery on offense is awful tbh, he needs to improve a lot in that regard.


Senior Member
Hopefully he'll be back in Benfica next season (like Sancho in Dortmund). Anything to not see him back here again.

Put that trust in Ansu instead. With Nico hopefully becoming our starting LW.

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