João Félix


New member
I think we should sign him this summer. I watched a couple of games of him and he really impressed me. Could become a world class player one day.
I think he has the characteristics to play as a striker for us and be Suarez replacement in one or two seasons. Until then he could be our back up option for the wings and the striker position since he is very versatile.
He is creative on the ball, his movement is great in and outside of the box, plays great through balls, is great with his back to the goal, even scores a lot of headers. Even his defending is great. Also he usually shows a good understanding of the game. Good pace too. He doesn't really have any weaknesses.
I know he would be expensive but unlike the other rumoured options he will quite certainly become world class and could help us in the short term and get a lot of minutes by being the first option for the front three.
We could sell Malcom and even Coutinho then.


Active member
Could he be our no. 9 replacement?

If not, sell Malcom and get this guy instead. He is going to explode if can keep up like this. Malcom will get us around 60M, add 20-30M more and its a risk worth taking.

I don't watch him regularly, but from YouTube vids, he looks like Dembele level talent.
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Senior Member
I think he can, the only aspect he lacks right now is being able to play with his back to the goal but that should develop with age


Well-known member
He looks incredibly talented but paying something like 100M for a kid from the Portuguese league seems so risky.

Then again he could be the real deal and become world class in a few years...

Maybe someone buys Cou for 150M so we can gamble on this kid and get Jovic/Maxi on top of it :lol:


Active member
Will cost a fortune, probably 80-100M.

Its a risk worth taking imo. We can get the money from either Malcom or Coutinho.

But, atm he just looks like Mbappe at Monaco situation, about to explode. He could turn out to be Quarezma, but it doesn't looks like it will happen. He is a real quality attacker atm. His vision and finishing are top class already, is ambidextrous, can dribble, has pace, is technically good and is Ok-ish strong as well.

He is someone who can utilize Dembele's pace, which we need in a no. 9. Because otherwise you are just wasting away his one of the most crucial asset.

Jovic isn't a bad option either, but he looks more like a traditional no. 9. Felix isn't a traditional no. 9, but has the ability to play all front 3 positions.
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Senior Member
Smart run.


I watched this goal 5 times just to make sure that the guy he pushed away in his celebration was the guy who played him that lovely through ball. It was. Maybe I am looking into it too much but seems this kid is a bit of a c*nt.

Incredible looking talent though. Out of all the attacking options we are linked with (Pepe, Jovic, Leao, etc) this guy looks on a different level talent wise.

I say he is worth the risk though. He can play upfront, and is right footed for that elusive AML spot we have too where he can also get less pressure opportunities for us too.

Valverde hates Malcom. Coutinho is not working at AML. There is money to make and spots to take.
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Senior Member
Staff member
Its a risk worth taking imo. We can get the money from either Malcom or Coutinho.

But, atm he just looks like Mbappe at Monaco situation, about to explode. He could turn out to be Quarezma, but it doesn't looks like it will happen. He is a real quality attacker atm. His vision and finishing are top class already, is ambidextrous, can dribble, has pace, is technically good and is Ok-ish strong as well.

He is someone who can utilize Dembele's pace, which we need in a no. 9. Because otherwise you are just wasting away his one of the most crucial asset.

Jovic isn't a bad option either, but he looks more like a traditional no. 9. Felix isn't a traditional no. 9, but has the ability to play all front 3 positions.

Not saying yes or no to him as I haven't seen enough of him, but he sure does sound interesting.

Don't know his current level but I don't think he'd reach his full potential with Suárez still at the club.
Valverde would keep playing Suárez because that's the comfortable thing to do.

If he's bought, it has to be with faith and patience that he can take a starting spot while being allowed to make errors.
It can't be like Malcom's case where playing time is very irregular. Both form and confidence takes damage from that.


Senior Member
I haven't watched him yet but based on highlights I think in our system he would be better used in a Messi role than as Suarez's replacement. I could be totally wrong but I don't think spending 80M+ on a player who's best position/role is where Messi usually plays makes sense at this point. We already have that problem with Coutinho. If this would be 2022 and Messi would start to decline then I would be all for taking a gamble on Felix but now I'm not so sure Felix is what we need. BTW, I'm not judging his potential, because it's obvious he's very talented, just saying that looking for Suarez replacement I prefer buying a more traditional #9. I'll try to watch some Benfica's games over the next few weeks/months so maybe I'll change my mind but for now I prefer Jović for 40-50M than Felix for 80-100M.


Well-known member
I haven't watched him yet but based on highlights I think in our system he would be better used in a Messi role than as Suarez's replacement. I could be totally wrong but I don't think spending 80M+ on a player who's best position/role is where Messi usually plays makes sense at this point. We already have that problem with Coutinho. If this would be 2022 and Messi would start to decline then I would be all for taking a gamble on Felix but now I'm not so sure Felix is what we need. BTW, I'm not judging his potential, because it's obvious he's very talented, just saying that looking for Suarez replacement I prefer buying a more traditional #9. I'll try to watch some Benfica's games over the next few weeks/months so maybe I'll change my mind but for now I prefer Jović for 40-50M than Felix for 80-100M.

As a straight up replacement for current Suarez he isn't the right choice right now. Doesn't seem to be a kind of striker that likes to stay in/around the box all the time keeping CBs busy and playing with his back to the goal.

What i like about the idea of signing him (based on the little i saw) is that we could get away from the LW-CF-nobody setup we are currently using to something more fluid because he and Messi+Dembouz can all play pretty much everywhere.

Perfect would be to have a flexible player like him AND a real #9 available.

If we keep Suarez another year (what i think we will) best case for us could be signing some CF like Jovic/Maxi for like 40-50M this season and then go after Felix 2020 if he stays at his club and does good another season. This summer it would be too risky and expensive, especially if we are after De Ligt as well.
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Senior Member
As a straight up replacement for current Suarez he isn't the right choice right now. Doesn't seem to be a kind of striker that likes to stay in/around the box all the time keeping CBs busy and playing with his back to the goal.

What i like about the idea of signing him (based on the little i saw) is that we could get away from the LW-CF-nobody setup we are currently using to something more fluid because he and Messi+Dembouz can all play pretty much everywhere.

Perfect would be to have a flexible player like him AND a real #9 available.

If we keep Suarez another year (what i think we will) best case for us could be signing some CF like Jovic/Maxi for like 40-50M this season and then go after Felix 2020 if he stays at his club and does good another season. This summer it would be too risky and expensive, especially if we are after De Ligt as well.


I think it would be also the best for Felix to stay at Benfica but we don't know what he wants. If he's having another good season then go after him next year. If Benfica is already demanding 80M for him now, what could they in 2020? I know they are a selling club and market is crazy but I still don't see Portuguese clubs selling players for 150M so maybe 100-110M. So if our options are:

1.) buy Felix now while he's still a bit of an unknown commodity for 80M when we don't have a clear position/role for him in the team
2.) pay 20-30M more to get a more proven and developed player. By next year both Suarez and Coutinho could be gone and he could be used in that hybrid LW-CF role.

I would take the second one.

But it's not everything up to us so if another club is willing to pay what Benfica wants and he'll develop into a big star somewhere else then so be it. He won't be the first nor the last talent we'd miss on. We can't buy them all. I would still be happy as long as we'll find someone who can score goals and be a potential longterm replacement for Suarez.


Well-known member
His release clause seems to be at 120M so their current demands (if true) are already going near the cap here.

Not sure if any club will pull the trigger here, that's just super crazy to gamble on almost 100M or whatever the price would end up. Maybe something with super high bonuses or so like they did with Sanches.
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