João Félix


Senior Member
If Atletico really paid 120 mil for him , we got a huge steal for PRINCE DEMBELE at 140 mil.

LOL @ Pathetico.
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Senior Member
Lmao this is delicious. You guys are about to hate on this player not because he looks bad (he looked great during his debut), not because you hate his personality, not because you hate his team, and not because he did something particularly bad against your team; it's simply because someone decided to compare him to a player whom you guys for some strange reason decided to die over a hill for.

It's genuinely hilarious. I'd understand the rabid fanboyism if it was for Messi, or even Hazard or Neymar - but it's literally for a player who has yet to accomplish anything of note for this club.

Holy shit it's beautiful, it actually shows just how you guys are insecure about Ousmane Dembele's prospects.


Senior Member
Lmao this is delicious. You guys are about to hate on this player not because he looks bad (he looked great during his debut), not because you hate his personality, not because you hate his team, and not because he did something particularly bad against your team; it's simply because someone decided to compare him to a player whom you guys for some strange reason decided to die over a hill for.

It's genuinely hilarious. I'd understand the rabid fanboyism if it was for Messi, or even Hazard or Neymar - but it's literally for a player who has yet to accomplish anything of note for this club.

Holy shit it's beautiful, it actually shows just how you guys are insecure about Ousmane Dembele's prospects.

One guy said it but okay lol we get it you have a hate boner for Dembele


The only reason Cat and Afro are here to talk shit is because of Tackle's post in Dembele's thread, lol.

Doubt it. People just read and comment on new activity in the threads. Alternstively they may have always held the view that he's over rated, I know I have.


New member
The only reason Cat and Afro are here to talk shit is because of Tackle's post in Dembele's thread, lol.

Mate where did I talk shit about Felix? You should seriously consider gettin some help cause your obsession with Dembele is not healthy.
It must burn your soul slow to see how much love and support he gets from our fans and how highly rated he is amongst football fans in general whereas you're actively hoping and praying that he fails just so u can log back on and chat shit.

BTW i like the look of this Felix kid i always did he has talent but that youtube clip was nothin to get excited about.


Senior Member
It's a friendly against Numencia and people acting like he's the second coming of Ronaldo lmao.

That is an exaggeration, quite a significant one. He looked very good during his debut, with his new team. It doesn't really matter who it was against. It is PRESEASON with his new team that he played his debut game for.

We all know this. Stop being a cunt.


Senior Member
That is an exaggeration, quite a significant one. He looked very good during his debut, with his new team. It doesn't really matter who it was against. It is PRESEASON with his new team that he played his debut game for.

We all know this. Stop being a cunt.

Gomes and Turan both had very good debuts too. Check the first page of their threads on here for proof.

A friendly is completely meaningless and I'm not exaggerating.


Senior Member
Gomes and Turan both had very good debuts too. Check the first page of their threads on here for proof.

A friendly is completely meaningless and I'm not exaggerating.

Saying people are acting like he's the second coming of Ronaldo is an exaggeration, clearly. No one cares about Arda's or anyone else's debut. It's a debut during preseason, we all know to take it with a grain of salt. Regardless, a good debut is a good debut and the touch and vision he displayed was impressive.


New member
what the hell was so impressive about his performance if dembele's was supposedly "bad"? lol, the agendas on this site man


6racies Xavi
Very smooth with the ball and almost scored a beauty after folding a Real defender and almost chipping Courtois. All in all he looks very promising.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Yes, quite impressive in the first half against Real Madrid. Linking up very well and he even defends! Fit in their system like a glove.

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