has he not got about 6 years on both grim an fran?
From wikipedia:
Heh, his career path is almost identical to Ignasi Miquel. Failed defender from La Masia goes to Cornella, then immediately to a top 4 club. He'll probably find his way back. I don't think a Catalan could turn down Barca, especially if they spent a huge part of their life in its academy.
Don't you dare compare our catalan son to Gareth Bale ever again.
Seems like it.
How does it "seem like it" if Pep clearly stated yesterday that he doesn't like winter signings and that the Barca B guys will need to step up now? And why is Alba getting so much love here anyway? Because he has 2 caps with the national team now in the left back position where the only other alternative is Real Madrid's backup right back?With Alves bombing forward on the other side, we need a defensive rock and a versatile player on the left who can also function as a centre back and who's capable of forming a 3 man defense. Not another midget of Messi's height who's good going forward. We already have Adriano for that matter.