José Mourinho


New member
It doesn't look bad at all, the game was about to kick off and it's the details that matter. What would have looked bad is if they'd scored from a setpiece after Pogba had not been given the correct instructions on who to mark. So boring the way the media try to make a big deal out of it, it's professional sport not a soap opera.


Active member
It doesn't look bad at all, the game was about to kick off and it's the details that matter. What would have looked bad is if they'd scored from a setpiece after Pogba had not been given the correct instructions on who to mark. So boring the way the media try to make a big deal out of it, it's professional sport not a soap opera.

Whenever The Special One is involved, the lines between the two tend get blurred.


Every time i'm angry or depressed i close my eyes and try to imagine Mourinho's face when Jeffren scored the fifth one.


Senior Member
The fraud mourinho showing his true colors.. when finally competing with teams who have financial power..(even tho he still outspent them all )


Senior Member
i was tempted to hate on his ass one more time so here i am ( it's never enough tho ) .. anybody seen that lik chat with Konte at the end ?! all the irony of the world from the special five to feel offended by Conte's antics .. i'm 100 % positive he's a fraud , he went to Chealsea while Abrahamovic spent like a madman and won a couple leagues .. then went to Inter who had literally 0 comptition ( after the scandal ) and almost lost the title to Rome . his first real Test was at Real Marid ( happens to be the richest club in the world ) and failed .. now he's with the richest ( again and again ) club in England and keeps on failing because there are other top dogs this time .. no style of play , no nothing , almost all of his titles are due to the abscence of competitors .

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