New member
You hear out of your eye, do you?
On closer inspection, he is indeed poking his eye.
You hear out of your eye, do you?
On closer inspection, he is indeed poking his eye.
I have to laugh at people who say how Mourinho is completely different person in his privacy than he is before cameras etc... But I tell you something, human´s true character always shows up in stressfull and complicated situations and this is true Mourinho´s character whatever you say. People behave very bad in harsh situations but there are no cameras that could catch them but this is world-class football and half of the world was watching right now. Pep showed what a class act character he is and how calm he really is, of course he was pretty pissed at the beginning of the "fight" when Marcelo almost broke Cesc´s leg after the prodigy returned home just 3 days ago but you can see how he calmed down.
Mourinho is disgrace and pathetic loser... Football should never know this man
Than Mourinho went before journos and said how he doesnt know any Pito (Cock) Vilanova after he poked his eye.
Classless human being and it was shown at it´s purest form yesterday/today
I didnt know that Pito means cock..
Someone must act now...
Spanish federation..
He has gone way too far...