Jose Mourinho

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Senior Member
Mou will never get over the fact, that he got rejected by the club of his dreams. And to see Pep having this kind of success and being loved by all cules, makes him even more mad.

I agree. But not only because of that.

Mou will never get over this fact said by Johan Cruyff: "Mourinho is a coach of titles, not football. Or rather, not a football coach if we understand the sport is a spectacle or entertainment for those who watch it, either at home or live in the stadium.”

Mou will never get over the fact, that pep has won everything with spectacular soccer, that the barca of pep will be remembred as one of the best team ever (maybe the best ever), not for the amount of titles won, but for way they won everything: a soccer that has enchanted the whole world!!
A concept of soccer which mou has not the slightest idea... but Mou has won a lot of titles in different countries (for him sooooooo important!): he dont understand the difference between quantity and quality.


New member
I knew he would come out with butthurt comments after Guardiola had garnered so much respect from the fans and just about everyone else that's not associated with Madrid and their coach.

He's a successful manager and is still well in the game but he already sounds like Pele with all "winning the league in three major leagues in Europe". Isn't it a bit stupid to leave out the German league, you know, the one that had them beat in the CL recently?

Pepe Silvia

Active member
:lol: Obsession is such a negative word and you want it associated with the respect all the cules have for Pep!?
Something about the way Pep is that has both friend and foe obsessing about all things Pep. Foe because they could never be like him, friend because were doing our best to replicate him.


New member
Jose Mourinho (about Ballon d'Or award): "Who won the most important league in the world? Cristiano Ronaldo. Who won this year's Champions League? None of them. Who deserves the Golden Ball? Cristiano Ronaldo"

lol at him :lol:

Who scored record breaking goals? Lionel Messi.
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