Josep Maria Bartomeu


Senior Member
Presidential candidate Victor Font calls for elections and wants Bartomeu to resign as soon as possible. [via


Vice President of FC Barcelona
President Bartomeu: "We have not lived up to the task, Piqu? is right that today has been a disaster. From now on we have to make decisions, some of them we already had in mind before the game and we will execute them in the coming days."



Well-known member
If he does bot resign after this,then I don’t know what to say...I would honestly worry for my life if I was him.


Well-known member
President Bartomeu: "We have not lived up to the task, Piqu? is right that today has been a disaster. From now on we have to make decisions, some of them we already had in mind before the game and we will execute them in the coming days."


From now on they have to make decisions? They didn't think before?

My guess:

Setien fired and same amigos continue.



Well-known member
President Bartomeu: "We have not lived up to the task, Piqu? is right that today has been a disaster. From now on we have to make decisions, some of them we already had in mind before the game and we will execute them in the coming days."


Who even believes this shit stain of a president? Socios aren't that clueless surely. Although there is precedent but never after a humiliation of this proportion.


Senior Member
President Bartomeu: "We have not lived up to the task, Piqu? is right that today has been a disaster. From now on we have to make decisions, some of them we already had in mind before the game and we will execute them in the coming days."


Jesus, he doesn't even have the decency to resign after that showing. When you blow a 3 goal lead twice and then get destroyed at home 8-2, you literally can't even spin it your way.

Shows you how much he cares for the club.


Senior Member
Jesus, he doesn't even have the decency to resign after that showing. When you blow a 3 goal lead twice and then get destroyed at home 8-2, you literally can't even spin it your way.

Shows you how much he cares for the club.

We weren't at home. But you're right about his lack of decency.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Who even believes this shit stain of a president? Socios aren't that clueless surely. Although there is precedent but never after a humiliation of this proportion.

As if socois give a rats ass about the club until its about Spain vs CATALUNYA.


If this man had any balls or concern about the well-being of the club, he would resign tonight. But we all know that's not going to happen. He'll blame someone else and they will quit or be fired. 2021 can't come soon enough.


Well-known member
It's unbelievable,the writing has been on the wall since 2017 and we've been enduring humiliations year after year after year after year. Every year we think that we've reached rock bottom,but every year we get a new surprise(tbh it's not even surprising anymore).

No other great team faded this way. It's safe to say that these past 4 years almost overshadow our dominance between 2009 and 2015.


New member
President Bartomeu: "We have not lived up to the task, Piqu? is right that today has been a disaster. From now on we have to make decisions, some of them we already had in mind before the game and we will execute them in the coming days."


Probably sacking Setien and announcing that we will rebuild the team around our Barca-boys, Suarez, Messi and co.

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