Senior Member
He roasted Bob last season. Worried that Alba might fall off a cliff so having someone competent backing him up is a must.
I could cry dawg.
We finally getting a proper LB.
Also ARA. Cat is a good source as well. It's not a Tabloid sports paper like SPORT and MD are and they don't always write transfer rumors, but when they do it's usually due to the fact there's likely truth to it.
I've read the article and Firpo is the one Valverde wants the most. The article also mentions the names popped up such as Alaba, Phillip Maxx, Guerreiro are likely leaked to the Catalan press in order to put pressure on the selling club.
Betis needs the money to buy Borja Iglesias.
Alba didnt take being benched very well under LE, I wonder how EV will handle the situation
He'll be a great deputy LB for Alba as he ages, and I think he'd make a very good LM too in the case we ever use a 4-4-2 because he looks like a very talented dribbler.
Firpo-De Jong-Arthur-Dembele
Could be a decent option to have, there are always some times where you have to switch from your main formation.
True but Alba didn't like Neymar either. Neymar took always the ball from him and didn't let him shine.
Neymar and Alba is a bad combination.