Koeman's Succesor? Media Speaks!


Senior Member
Thinking outside of the box Marcelo Gallardo would be an interesting choice. His contract with River is expiring in December. Keep Koeman until then and replace him with Gallardo (unless of course we'd be like 10 points clear at the top of the table coming into New Year then it would be almost impossible to replace Koeman; then negotiate with MG to take over next summer). Don't put any expectations results wise for second half of the season besides finishing top 4 (which we should still do regardless of who a coach is), let him know the players and implement his system before next transfer window when we can address needs in the squad according to how/what he'd think it's needed to improve.

Sure, he has never coached in Europe before so could turn out another Tata Martino (who BTW I don't think was as bad as most people think) but going away from a former player/former La Liga manager/Ajax-Dutch connections could also be what we need. We need fresh approach/ideas/philosophy and I think MG could bring that.


A lot of things I like in this article (it does sound a bit like Bobo describing Mavericky tbh :lol:) and if he could implement half of them here we'd be on a good way.

Like the fact he's tactically flexible. We need a coach who can adapt his system to the players he has at his disposal not trying to fit players into his rigid formation. Also has experience building a longterm project which is what we need.

That said, I don't think Laporta is even considering him. As said yesterday I think he'll go after Ten Hag (and possibly Overmars as a SD).


Well-known member
Can imagine that Roberto Martinez will be among the candidates if Koeman stays until the end of the season as his contract with Belgium is expiring next June.

Don't know what to think about him. He plays 3-at-the-back most of the time with 3-4-2-1 being his preferred system for Belgium. He's also using the 3-4-3 regularly. At Everton (his last station at a club before he became coach of the Belgian national team) he used to play 4-2-3-1. Belgium is ranked #1 in the FIFA world ranking and I haven't seen much from them apart from big tournaments, but always thought they underperformed there for the squad he had at his disposal. Footballwise more than result-wise, as they were third at WC 2018 and got eliminated by the champion Italy in EURO.

Being manager of a national team is a lot different to the daily business of club football.

Edit: Just read that Martinez has contract until Qatar-WC and that the information on transfermarkt about his contract until June 2022 was wrong. Makes more sense tbh. I always forget about that shitty winter WC.
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Well-known member
I don't rate Koeman but sacking him after a couple games and then scramble to throw the next random guy into this shitshow doesn't seem like a great plan as well. Why even keep Koeman in the first place? And sign fucking Luuk De Jong on top of it? Bad look for the board.

Ideally the next coach should be someone the club really wants and not just someone who coincidentally happens to be available in October. And he deserves a good start, with pre-season and an actual squad.

So honestly i don't really care, i don't have high hopes for this season anyway. Throw in whoever, won't change all that much but please have a plan how to go from next summer onwards instead of this never ending cycle of short-term solutions.
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Senior Member
Can imagine that Roberto Martinez will be among the candidates if Koeman stays until the end of the season as his contract with Belgium is expiring next June.

Don't know what to think about him. He plays 3-at-the-back most of the time with 3-4-2-1 being his preferred system for Belgium. He's also using the 3-4-3 regularly. At Everton (his last station at a club before he became coach of the Belgian national team) he used to play 4-2-3-1. Belgium is ranked #1 in the FIFA world ranking and I haven't seen much from them apart from big tournaments, but always thought they underperformed there for the squad he had at his disposal. Footballwise more than result-wise, as they were third at WC 2018 and got eliminated by the champion Italy in EURO.

Being manager of a national team is a lot different to the daily business of club football.

Edit: Just read that Martinez has contract until Qatar-WC and that the information on transfermarkt about his contract until June 2022 was wrong. Makes more sense tbh. I always forget about that shitty winter WC.

Your hunch is correct



Well-known member
pffff aren't we supposed to be like ... broke or something?

Just ask him, politely, to play attack-ball instead of paying his severance pay

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
Martinez is even worse than Koeman. What's up with this club and mediocrity ffs. Just appoint Xavi in 2022 and be done with it.


Senior Member
Strange how some hunches are so correct, like bringing someone who brought Sparta Rotterdam to 2nd division for the first time as his only club level achievement.
Maybe it isn't at all about who has the most impressive resume to someone on the internet...


Well-known member
Strange how some hunches are so correct, like bringing someone who brought Sparta Rotterdam to 2nd division for the first time as his only club level achievement.
Maybe it isn't at all about who has the most impressive resume to someone on the internet...

In business and life it helps to have connections. Barca DNA especially very beneficial.


Senior Member
In business and life it helps to have connections. Barca DNA especially very beneficial.

It seems the more Barca DNA the better the results, too...
It seems Cruyff "had a hunch" about who could be succesful that went very much in opposition to what some random internet guy thought was the best option. Maybe it was just 'connections' and luck that made them succesful, or there are people who understands football better and don't make decisions based on a CV or 'stats'.


Well-known member
You need a clear identity on sporting level before even talking about a coach. Under Bartomeu we had what? 4 or 5 different sporting directors? Can't successfully work with an ever-changing basis like that. Not only sporting directors changed, but also their ideas and transfers, sometimes Bartomeu had his say in transfers. The coach was just the one who had to work with what he got. The president shouldn't have a say in transfers apart from maybe the financial part in consultation with CEO and CFO. The sporting department should get a coach which whom they closely work together and agree on the sporting direction in terms of style, physical preparation, transfers, targeted players and many other little things. Don't think that was the case and this summer the club's hands were pretty much bound. They got rid of some players who don't really fit but a major makeover wasn't possible. Finances were a part of that and that 25% reinvesting-rule of La Liga made it even harder. When I look at that posted link above that Cruyff, Alemany and Planes prefer Martinez I gotta ask myself the question if Laporta and the sporting department really want the same?! Not gonna talk about Barca DNA and all that bullshit, but Martinez' football doesn't strike me as the one Laporta wants to see.

Imo you don't have to be the most successful coach in the past to be successful at Barca. Lucho for instance had issues and showed red flags at Roma. Hard to draw a conclusion of his stint at Celta as they don't compete for the title and are a smaller club than both Barca and Roma. Lucho had his issues here too, but he was successful and imo unlucky not to win the CL for a second time. Of course he was blessed to have prime MSN in his squad, but he also had the same idea of football as the sporting direction: this was not 1on1 a copy of Pep, which he obviously wasn't, but the idea of playing offensive attacking football. Koeman plays 4 or 5 attackers when he desperately needs a goal, but does he really comes across as an offensive-minded manager? For me, no. Same accounts to Martinez. I know, Belgium is winning by some goals difference more than once, but national team football is very different to club football and he doesn't come across as the type of coach that plays the kind of football Laporta wants to see.

I want to throw in a name many will say is worse than all the coaches we had in recent past, but imo his idea of football is much more fitting to what Laporta and Cules prefer: Andr? Villas-Boas


What's up with Barca and its crush on mediocre coaches? The pep story happens once in a lifetime, so the board need to get over that and bring one hell of a proven coach in EUROPE, not in freaking south america or Arabia.
You won't find one now, so just wait until January, or more likely next summer. end of story and drama


Senior Member
Thinking outside of the box Marcelo Gallardo would be an interesting choice.

Nah, we never won CL with coach who is under 5'10 :p
Not outside of the box exactly, he has been linked to us for almost 2 years now.
Won't mind him as a choice tbh, he isn't a sur thing but very few coaches are


Senior Member

Jordi Cruyff most likely to take over pending his confirmation, the board are all in complete agreement.

PAIN let's hope he continues to decline the job folks

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