Yes maybe, but it's always hard to tell, or rather impossible to tell, as there is never any control. But yeah it really looks like it was the right thing for Konrad to leave and it also looks as if Koeman could've used him a lot more last year. Maybe he would've been of more use than Long de Jong last week too?
Knowing the manager doesn't count on you makes it smart to exit. Especially with Koeman being here a season and not getting opportunities.
This isn't directed at Puig but of course it applies too.
I agree he should have been given opportunities. He has a si.ple offensive game that transcends well to first team football, even if he isn't to be a long term option.
Christian Tello, Carles Perez types who ended up coming in and working straight away because they had individual ability, some pace and knew the system.
Also both were sold for more than Konrad as they were given the chances to show themselves in first team dynamics.
Like Messi983 though I don't see Konrad coming back now either, but seeing our decimated Frontline it is an opportunity missed to take 3m over depth.