Culé de Celestial Empire
We should be 3 pts plus after next match. They'll lose against Atletico too.
With another manager, probably. With Valverde? Hmmmm. Let's beat Athletic first.
Atletico will lose to Real Madrid.
We should be 3 pts plus after next match. They'll lose against Atletico too.
With another manager, probably. With Valverde? Hmmmm. Let's beat Athletic first.
Atletico will lose to Real Madrid.
Lets hope Atleti wins tonight, because Barca is not winning anything this season.
It doesn't matter any more. We are not winning anything this season except Copa Catalunya (or perhaps not).
It does matter, it's better Atleti wins the league than Real
Ofc we should deliberately lose to Atletico if it prevents Madrid from winning the league
Barcelona dropping points AGAIN?
Not that we will beat Atletico, but its nice to know we wont be far behind.