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Rafa is in form?
A guy played 90 minutes against Levante, 29 minutes against Celtic and 6 minutes against Bilbao.
125 minutes in total this season.
How can you be in form when you played only 125 minutes?
On this topic, Rafinha is in form after 125 minutes played.
On the other topic, Denis already proved that he possess skills needed for Barca, even though he played 6 matches in his Barca's career etc.
People are lately using these superlatives way too often.
You don't need to play a lot of matches to be in form. Neymar played in almost every match last spring and was bad. He implies that Rafinha showed a decent perfomance against a demoralized Celtic side & was very good vs Leganes, arguably the third best Barca player that day, so he is in form right now.