Liga Round 21: Villarreal - FC Barcelona 0-1


Senior Member
I'm going for another 2-8. Setien to have PTSD and play a weird lineup with all his 30+ players and no off the ball movement.


Senior Member
I say 1-1 .
It's crazy that in a farmer's league we have "difficult" games. We should be pretty much walking past everyone bar Real and AM.


Senior Member
You don't watch other leagues if you think LL is a farmers league.

How many Spanish clubs made it past the Cl group stage?

AM didn't even make EL 😂.

Currently La Liga is a farmer's league. Look at Sevilla. That club was competitive both in Spain and Europe before. Now a shadow of themselves.
Although Liverpool are poor this season I actually think they have a chance against Madrid.


Senior Member
La liga used to be quality at one time. Remember that other clubs had players like Forlan, Kanoute, Falcao,Costa etc.
Nowadays the other teams outside of the big two lack quality.


Senior Member
Watched their last two games and they were utter shite and Parejo was abysmal.

If they are as bad as were in those two games Barca will put 2 or 3 by them easily.


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