Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Messi fanboys defending him and saying that Messi repeatedly yelling at a young player for making a different decision than what he would have liked shouldn't affect the player's confidence should try putting themselves in Fati's position. A 17 years old kid trying to prove yourself and Lionel Messi, the greatest player in the club's history and one of the greatest football players of all times, yelling at you whenever you do something he doesnt like on the field. Wouldn't that make you hesitate before making a decision next time and be worried about Messi's reaction? And what effect would that have on your performace in the game?

No, he can go and cry to his mom if he doesn't like it. Here he has to be a man and take it on the chin.


Senior Member
Messi fanboys defending him and saying that Messi repeatedly yelling at a young player for making a different decision than what he would have liked shouldn't affect the player's confidence should try putting themselves in Fati's position. A 17 years old kid trying to prove yourself and Lionel Messi, the greatest player in the club's history and one of the greatest football players of all time, yelling at you whenever you do something he doesnt like on the field. Wouldn't that make you hesitate before making a decision next time and be worried about Messi's reaction? And what effect would that have on your performace in the game?

Messi yelling at Fati is only the start of the yelling.

I can honestly see him falling out with most of the team and manager this season.


Senior Member
Anyway, if we speak honestly Messi had a decent game so far, a good game, and a crap game. Everyone knows which is which. Mixed bag so far. I can see his numbers taking a big hit this season if he doesn't cut the shit.


Senior Member
Messi yelling at Fati is only the start of the yelling.

I can honestly see him falling out with most of the team and manager this season.

yeah mate, he'll fuck his girlfriend next. just grow up you pussy.

fati having nightmares tonight because of messi barely shouting at him for not passing the ball :lol:


Active member
Hey guys, just relax! ^^
You know Messi's brother is the agent of Fati.
Leo is supportive towards Ansu and enjoys playing with him.. but he also wants to find cooperation and understanding from the players around him, either it be Ansu or anyone else.
It's about his need to score and convert the balls, as you know it's a huge difficult job to be Messi (the expectations), especially when you're 33y old playing with a team under rebuild and lacking some confidence :)


Well-known member
Honestly guys, it's not cuz I like Messi but I can honestly tell you that the yelling part is no biggie. Even when Suarez was yelling at Dembele, if I was coach, I would've called Dembele up immediately and order him to walk straight at Suarez and call him a slow ass donkey :rockon:

Same with Ansu and Leo today. In the heat of the moment, tempers will flare but the key is to keep taking chances, not playing it safe.

Been saying it like forever. Coach should just give each player a minimum number of attempted shots, through-passes, chances created, dribbles, etc etc etc

If you play pussyball, 1 strike and u OUT!

One backpass when not called for and you're out. No Mercy!

And no exceptions. Same rules for everyone :redbeard:


Senior Member
Hey guys, just relax! ^^
You know Messi's brother is the agent of Fati.
Leo is supportive towards Ansu and enjoys playing with him.. but he also wants to find cooperation and understanding from the players around him, either it be Ansu or anyone else.
It's about his need to score and convert the balls, as you know it's a huge difficult job to be Messi (the expectations), especially when you're 33y old playing with a team under rebuild and lacking some confidence :)

I heard he left Messi's brother for Mendes.

Imagine the conspiracy theories that will start in here :lol:


Senior Member
If that happens in every match, why is no one yelling at Messi?

He plays like shit lately.
He is a tactical mess, putting teammates into troubles.
Some of his decisions are beyond illogical.
He is often selfish and shooting instead of passing.
He is walking, not defending and not pressing.

He deserves some yelling also.

Do you know what would happen if someone would yell at him?
= he would get sold from Fc Messi

** also, let's see when will Messi get benched or subbed.

I love Koeman, but I doubt that even he will be able to bench him.

Yes, he deserves for sure some yelling also, and not only some, but many.
I hope that he will be benched, even in big match, because he's getting old and we have to think to the future, as I have written many times.
This evening Messi was absolutely below his standards, AND the team also.
But the problem of Barca is DEEPER than having Messi on the pitch. You are focused only on him, without seeing the low level of the whole team.
But your hatred for Messi makes you blind as your love for CR makes you see him without flaws.
That said, I hope that he retired with Barca because he's is a blugrana legend and one of the best players ever, despite the fact that you think he is only media hype, a circus phenomenon, simply funny to see.


Well-known member
All you have to do is drop deep to the CDM position then , every pass will be a progressive one then. :thinking:


Then, adjust the quotas according to each player. Gist of it being, don't slack enough. First half before the subs, team looked like a bunch of exhausted zombies. Koemann should've known and not field depleted players today.

And that's not just us. Even Arsenal looked like Jekyll and Hyde in the 2 legs vs Pool. Same thing for Chelsea. They looked like sitting ducks in the 1-1 vs Spurs but then, Lampard musta given them a good shake cuz they looked much more positive vs Palace...


Senior Member
No, I just asked you an honest question. That yelling is intimidating for the younger players. If you think it's good he does those things, fine by me. I think it's nasty and doesn't help the team at all.

I said it wasn?t that deep, not that it was a good thing. Straw man


Active member
The funny thing was Pjanic. He said fk u to our attackers and just passed to Messi every Ball he got , like he was advertising to become a Amigo.

Or was I dreaming?


Senior Member
After all this, imagine if it were revealed that Messi was yelling to Ansu saying stuff like

"You're doing great!", "Great pass Ansu!" "Good shot kid!"

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