So, I'm the bad guy for calling out people who use multiple accounts like "BigKingLeo10", "Messi15478", and "RonaldinhoGaucho10" on a Barcaforum to troll Barca players and prop up CR7?
Also, interesting logic you have on "following". You still haven't stopped PMing me or mentioning me in threads. Like you just did 10 mins ago where I didn't even mention you.
fati you should just place that guy on your ignore list. he thinks he can police people for what they did on other forums years ago, lol. talk about a power trip.
itll make your life and our lives here on this forum and thread a lot nicer once you cut that toxic behaviour off
Do you also listen to Alexi Lalas' podcast? I remember a few months ago them talking about how this guy with Messi is like Skip to Lebron.this clown is hardly the most respected argentinian reporterhe's like the argentinian version of Skip Bayless when he talks about Messi, he said some true things but he just hates messi, is not objective in that argument.
The guy ostracized by most of his colleagues for poor journalistic integrity and practice is being lauded as one of Argentina's most respected journalists![]()
The resentment some of you carry towards our greatest player of all-time is unhealthy and obnoxious.
Yeah i think your right, i really tried to become friends with him but seems like he cant forget about things which happened 4 or 5 years agoDeep in my heart im sure he is a very good guy but we cant continue like this anymore
This is bullshit. Messi got 2 weak teams in the groupstage and even Juventus isnt strong like the years ago and still doesnt manage to become topscorer. Ronaldo has with DOrtmund and Tottenham maybe the strongest group and still scored 4 goals in 3 matches. Who was last year the weak opponent to boost Ronaldos stats ? Was it Bayern ? Or Atletico Madrid ? Or maybe Juventus ? Messi had his chance last year where he scored against very weak teams 10 goals in the groupstage but was to weak to score in the important matches. We must admit Ronaldo has become the last years an absolutly beast in the Champions League.
I hope you recognize that you have to think more before you write something, dembele fanboy.
Is this the reason why he has the most goals in Knock out stages in CL ?
Ronaldo 52
Messi 37
Müller 19
Even a worldclass striker like Lewandowski has only 17 goals which shows how difficult it is to score in the Knockout stages, Ronaldo has more than three amount goals with 52
You must understand that Ronalo is the reason for Cl sucess.Fact.
Ronaldo reached the Speed of 39 km/h at a run in the match. How is this even possible with 33 years ?
It wasn't 4-5 years ago. These are all from 2018 and 2019. You were using "messi15478" as a username to shit on Messi and prop up CR7. Imagine being so pathetic you have to resort to that instead of being normal and being a CR7 fan in the open. There is 0 problems with the latter. It's only trolls/liars that need calling out.
And my favorite.
Literally 50% of your posts on your multiple accounts that have been banned were slurping CR7. Grow up.
If you look closer i just defended Ronaldo, i have never attack Messi. But as i said this ist past, i dont know why you cant forget it![]()