Lionel Messi - v7

Sailor Mars

Well-known member
He was really good. there were a few time I felt he wanted to make a pass on the counter, but our forwards just aren't very speedy to get in behind.


Well-known member
The man is unbelievable,playing out for this world for the 12th consecutive year and counting.

Basically the only thing holding him back is his stamina and speed(although he still has insane acceleration at times).

Other than that he has mastered the game of football.

Hopefully he will get a well-deserved 6th B’dor next week


Senior Member
Can't you see a trending in the positions in the names you mentioned ?

Not only that. First of all these players are absolutely world class and secondly. When a person says "Messi's run", it is kind of obvious he is not talking about kicking the ball and chasing after it for 100 meters down the flank kind of run. I detect some kind of hate with that post.


Well-known member
Guys,how reliable are the sources about the B’Dor?

I would be really heartbroken if Leo doesn’t eventually win it...Although he even posted that IG video,so there’s definitely something going on...

But I’m being paranoid about the betting odds,maybe the betting companies heard of the leaks and intentionally lowered Messi’s odds to lure people into losing their money..


Senior Member
But I’m being paranoid about the betting odds,maybe the betting companies heard of the leaks and intentionally lowered Messi’s odds to lure people into losing their money..

His odds were at some point 3.25 , then it went down fast to 1.85 and then really fast to 1.30 and after that you couldn't bet on it anymore at some or most agencies (afaik )

I think the vast majority of people that bet on him , did it when odds were high. Odds changed so fast that i don't think a huge amount of people got the chance to bet.

There was the Messi video on Insta , his Otro interview , agencies lowering the odds a lot , high tier people already saying that it is know Messi won it...

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