Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Seconde remarque: sans cette rentr?e d'argent, les pertes anticip?es sur la saison se monteraient ? pr?s de 500 millions d'euros. En une saison.

En sachant que ces comptes, outre les sponsorings artificiels, n'incluent pas le recrutement de Messi.



CIA and Delta Force just landed on the eiffel tower intercepting technicians ready to ignite Leo Messi's presentation.


Culé de Celestial Empire
It breaks my heart to see Messi crying, I truly believe this hurts him as much as it hurts most of us.

Thank you and all the best legend, hope to see you back at the club in a few years, as you hoped as well.


New member
Dans son budget provisionnel pr?sent? ? la DNCG pour la saison 2021-2022, le PSG a pr?vu 180 millions d'euros de rentr?e d'argent par le truchement de transferts.

On en est ? 7 millions d'euros.

In its provisional budget presented to the DNCG for the 2021-2022 season, PSG has planned 180 million euros in cash flow through transfers.

We are at 7 million euros.


I know you are just jesting but "budget pr?visionnel" has a purposeful meaning. It is not a binding budget but just what you expect it to be. Then, if you happen to chance on a 222 millions euros purchase of a brazilian, you have just to give the necessary documents proving you have the money to carry on. Nothing difficult for QSI.

I know people don't know how DNCG works and they took L'Equipe article as face value when it said PSG HAS TO sell for 180 millions. It is just what PSG wanted or expected to do. If they don't sell for that much, the owner will just have to fork more money to balance tha account.


Senior Member
Ok so how do we get the other signings to play?
I dont get how thats possible but we cant sign Messi?

Well at worst they might not play competetive football for the next 6 months, but you should still be able to select them in FIFA unless they patched FFP into it.. So it's not all terrible.

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