Good goal, but bit sluggish.
Hopefully he starts scoring more in the coming weeks.
Having a geriatric 35 year old Cristiano out-scoring him this season would be tragic.
If Griezmann wore a Suarez mask he would have gotten 3 or 4 easy chances to score.
I can remember atleast 3 instances were Griez was in a position to receive the ball but because his name isn't Suarez he didnt get them. Heck if he was Suarez he would have even gotten passes when he isn't even in a good position.
Like are we seriously going to pretend that Messi doesnt look extra hard when Suarez plays infront him ?
If Griezmann had the space awareness of Suarez yes maybe, even Fati had more chances from Messi, was he wearing a Suarez Mask ?
Leo will watching from the stands on Wednesday against Ibiza