Lionel "The Greatest of All Time" Messi V2


Senior Member
On the other hand, in Saudi, it's a norm to oppress women, deny them basic rights and shit. And no, I am not exaggerating. Everyone knows that's the norm. Infact, the neanderthals from that region proudly flaunt it. :lol:

Won't even get into the appalling human rights record.........
Can you point to some examples of what did those arabs do wrong?


Senior Member
Do you live in Europe or you just read religious/eastern/anti west propaganda from that part of the world?
Where they create a fuss out of 1 in a million cases.

The same as how Russian propaganda were making videos how Europe is freezing, how they eat rats in UK and lately how we listen Hitler's speeches all over Europe in 2023, because we are all anti-religious drugged nazi zombies, fucking lol.

** Btw, this nazi thing is a new anti-western thing.
First it was only LGBT, gays, kids learning about gay sex and forcing to change genders.
But lately, fed by Russian bullshit, suddenly not only Ukraine are evil nazis, but the whole west are evil nazis.

10 days ago, in fights between Dinamo Zagreb (Croatia) and AEK Athens (Greee), hundreds of fans were fighting outside of a stadium, one day before the match, and one Greek fan was killed.
Suddenly, you can already read in lost of Greek media (and Greeks are orthodox religion, somewhat close to Russia) how evil nazis from Croatia killed a poor guy.

My point is, in these anti-west propaganda circles, the new era of shit is how we are all nazis on the West.
Oh wait, hold on a second while I clean my Hitler's picture in my living room, which stands right above child anal gay sex.
Since, our homes are filled with Hitler and gay sex pics.
I mean, that's who we are on West.
We are all evil gays, we take heroin 3 times a day and then, with other nazis, we go all around the world and kill poor, good religious people.
kind of unrelated to the whole west culture conversion but just wanted to reply to this.

To my understanding the Zagreb fans who took part in the incident are members of this group:

This doesn't seem related to anti West propaganda or anything like it.


Senior Member
BBZ is falsly conflating his weirdo pedo fetishes and other sick/dumb shit with "western values". The shit supported by modern commies/jews, that is very new to the West and is by no means "valuable".


Senior Member
kind of unrelated to the whole west culture conversion but just wanted to reply to this.

To my understanding the Zagreb fans who took part in the incident are members of this group:

This doesn't seem related to anti West propaganda or anything like it.

In some articles by Greek journos, they said: the whole Croatia is nazi and similar things.
My view on that is: Russia and Greece are "orthodox brothers", right? As said often times by Messigician.
And since Greece is one of the most eastern European countries, I guess that the regular sentiment towards West, EU and NATO is around 50:50 pro/against, right?
Also, Greeks blame EU for their bankruptcy a few years ago, right?
Also, Greeks blame EU, Usa and NATO for not helping them in a dispute versus Turkey, right?

So, regarding Greece, there are a lot of elements why a regular citizen could feel more connection towards Russia or eastern countries than towards the West.
And since a lot of media is paid/influenced by either Western or Eastern propaganda, I am connecting nazi shit with a new wave or Russian/anti West/religious propaganda.

At first it was only about gays and LGBT.
Later they added poor kids being taught in school to change their genders.
Then poor kids are forced to watch gay cartoons in kindergartens etc.

Lately, there is a new level of propaganda from Russia about Ukraine and the whole Europe: we are all zombies on heroin, without brains, who just take drugs and kill people around the world.
And there is Putin's new wave of nazi-propaganda, btw that guy really lives in like 1950s or something.
Check the first 5 minutes of this video, by a Russian youtuber who ran away from Russia because he didn't want to go to a war and die for Father Putin.
He moved to Georgia and now lives in Serbia (iirc) and is posting videos about Russian shit, lies and propaganda on Youtube.

Anyway, in this video, you can see a classical Russian propaganda video, how they brainwash their citizens.
In this video, they are apparently showing Germany, where people still love Hitler and nazis and where families need to give all of their savings, tvs and children's toys for Zelenskiy's nazi/NATO regime.
A few Months ago, Russian propaganda had videos how people in Europe are dying and freezing without Russian gas.
Or how the West is on a verge of a bankruptcy and how families in London have to eat fried rats because they don't have the money anymore due to an insane inflation on the West (lol).

I am really not sure if anyone who believes these things can have an IQ higher than let's say 80-90-ish.
Anyway, here is a new generation of Russian propaganda where nazi's ideas are suddenly increasing on the evil pedophile-masturbation-premartial sex-dancing in public West:


Senior Member
It seems you are the only guy in this forum, who actually watches russian propaganda, but then also projects it on people you disagree or people, who doesn't buy everything from Western Pravda. You're such a joke it's almost sad.


Senior Member
It seems you are the only guy in this forum, who actually watches russian propaganda, but then also projects it on people you disagree or people, who doesn't buy everything from Western Pravda. You're such a joke it's almost sad.
Yeah half the time I wonder where he finds that stuff lol. Gotta be like deliberately searching It up.


Senior Member
It seems you are the only guy in this forum, who actually watches russian propaganda, but then also projects it on people you disagree or people, who doesn't buy everything from Western Pravda. You're such a joke it's almost sad.

Sorry, always wanted to ask you regarding your right wing views:
1. are you religious?
2. were your parents religious?


Senior Member
Bbz hate boner for religion is a strange one especially as a Croatian which are mostly religious people over 92% are Christian from memory


Senior Member
Sorry, always wanted to ask you regarding your right wing views:
1. are you religious?
2. were your parents religious?
No and no as far as religious practice goes. I was librul atheist till my late 20s, but as life experience and my knowledge of religions increased, i'v started to become more and more sympathetic to faith in God and hostile to mass indoctrination of atheism that permeats current (((West))).

Bbz hate boner for religion is a strange one especially as a Croatian which are mostly religious people over 92% are Christian from memory
He could be croatian jew. I have two long time internet forum guys here in Latvia, who obviously speak latvian and are well integrated and don't show signs of being of another etnicity, but after more than 15teen years of communicating with them, i only recently discovered that they're both jews.
They are absolute talmudic caricatures in how far they go to hate other religions, especially Christianity. They would literally boil Jesus Christ in bowl of feces, as Talmud prescribes, if they could.
At the same time they pretend to be latvians, whenever possible. Makes your noggin joggin'.


Senior Member
In some articles by Greek journos, they said: the whole Croatia is nazi and similar things.
My view on that is: Russia and Greece are "orthodox brothers", right? As said often times by Messigician.
And since Greece is one of the most eastern European countries, I guess that the regular sentiment towards West, EU and NATO is around 50:50 pro/against, right?
Also, Greeks blame EU for their bankruptcy a few years ago, right?
Also, Greeks blame EU, Usa and NATO for not helping them in a dispute versus Turkey, right?

So, regarding Greece, there are a lot of elements why a regular citizen could feel more connection towards Russia or eastern countries than towards the West.
And since a lot of media is paid/influenced by either Western or Eastern propaganda, I am connecting nazi shit with a new wave or Russian/anti West/religious propaganda.

At first it was only about gays and LGBT.
Later they added poor kids being taught in school to change their genders.
Then poor kids are forced to watch gay cartoons in kindergartens etc.

Lately, there is a new level of propaganda from Russia about Ukraine and the whole Europe: we are all zombies on heroin, without brains, who just take drugs and kill people around the world.
And there is Putin's new wave of nazi-propaganda, btw that guy really lives in like 1950s or something.
Check the first 5 minutes of this video, by a Russian youtuber who ran away from Russia because he didn't want to go to a war and die for Father Putin.
He moved to Georgia and now lives in Serbia (iirc) and is posting videos about Russian shit, lies and propaganda on Youtube.

Anyway, in this video, you can see a classical Russian propaganda video, how they brainwash their citizens.
In this video, they are apparently showing Germany, where people still love Hitler and nazis and where families need to give all of their savings, tvs and children's toys for Zelenskiy's nazi/NATO regime.
A few Months ago, Russian propaganda had videos how people in Europe are dying and freezing without Russian gas.
Or how the West is on a verge of a bankruptcy and how families in London have to eat fried rats because they don't have the money anymore due to an insane inflation on the West (lol).

I am really not sure if anyone who believes these things can have an IQ higher than let's say 80-90-ish.
Anyway, here is a new generation of Russian propaganda where nazi's ideas are suddenly increasing on the evil pedophile-masturbation-premartial sex-dancing in public West:
Some journalists in Greece, like everywhere I guess, make wild claims just for the publicity, so what you say is possible.

I wouldn't say the general sentiment is 50/50 pro Russian, not by a long shot.
There are some bad feelings towards the EU for the financial issues, mainly for the way the handled dept related issues post 2011 and 2015 but even before that.
if you dig in the details of what has been signed since then, you will find out that many things could be done differently (the terms applied are borderline extorting ones), so there are valid reasons for that.

Still, Greece is much more affiliated with, or close to, western culture than eastern or slavic, despite its geographical location.

I wouldn't read much into Any journalist who characterises a whole country as nazi or anything else for that matter. I mean, many of the organised fans here have extremists in them and regularly get into bad fights that have ended up in deaths. Hooligans are stupid cunts and nationality is irrelevant.


Senior Member
No and no as far as religious practice goes. I was librul atheist till my late 20s, but as life experience and my knowledge of religions increased, i'v started to become more and more sympathetic to faith in God and hostile to mass indoctrination of atheism that permeats current (((West))).

He could be croatian jew. I have two long time internet forum guys here in Latvia, who obviously speak latvian and are well integrated and don't show signs of being of another etnicity, but after more than 15teen years of communicating with them, i only recently discovered that they're both jews.
They are absolute talmudic caricatures in how far they go to hate other religions, especially Christianity. They would literally boil Jesus Christ in bowl of feces, as Talmud prescribes, if they could.
At the same time they pretend to be latvians, whenever possible. Makes your noggin joggin'.

What the actual fuck with me being a Jew, insane...
About you, it makes more sense, you had some "eye opening" or whatever and you turned closer to God and religion and majority of people close to religion are extremely against western ideas, since the west gave up from the religion and anyone is free to do whatever they want (now, you'll jump that the governments are controlling us with COVID, yet religion is doing the same for 2000+ years: controlling the masses, and giving them a meaning of life for people who can't find the meaning otherwise.)

About Gicians comment how 90% of people in my country are religious, lol.
It's connected with the war in Yugoslavia.
In Yugoslavia, religion was more or less forbidden and no one went to church.
Then after the war, being suddenly religious was something like "a beginner's starter pack" if you wanted to say: I am a Croat, I hate Serbia.
It was like a thing in our "tribe", to be different than Serbia, whom we hated.
The same as how Ukraine is now moving their Christmas to the 25th of December, in a symbolic way, just to say: we are not Russia.

This religious "starter pack" since the 1991 included:
I love Croatia
I hate Serbia
I am religious
And everyone jumped on that ship, otherwise you were in problems.
Half of my family suddenly started to be religious after 1991'.
And since then, the leading right-wing party in Croatia, which more or less rules the country since then, started revisionism in books in schools and similar, and suddenly this "starter pack" became accepted and more or less, among average Croat, if someone asks you if you are religious, you have to say yes, since otherwise, someone will accuse of you being a Serb (or a Jew, lol, in this case) and that you don't like your country.
It is also connected with a corruptcy. Since, if you want to get a job, you need to be a member of a leading right wing party, and then you need to act according to that "starter's pack": I hate Serbs, I love my country, I am very religious.
Till 1991', you needed to be a part of a communist party to get a job and 80-90% of people were members of it to get jobs and homes.
Today, right wing party is doing the same as a communist party in Yugoslavia: you need to be a member.
The only difference is, they have changed the description and some ideologic ideas: they added religion in there ideas, while majority of other things are the same, they just changed the logo colors of their "shirts".
They act exactly in the same way as a communist party regarding how to control the country, share propaganda and revisionism of history, and grow corruptcy and stay as a ruler forever due to corruptcy and majority of population have to be your member in order to get the job.
Literally, they can't lose the elections anymore.

Stats from 2022' say:
90% of people said that they are religious, but...
Only 69% believe in God
Only 17% are hard core religious people, who live according to religious rules/holly books and go to church
30% do believe in God, but they think that religious rules are shit and just invented, so they don't apply them
Only 1% of people go to church every day

And as always in Western-ish Europe:
-- there is more religious people among elderly and less against younger ones
-- among highly educated people, 64% are some of sort of religious people
-- while among poorly educated (as always), 85% of people are religious
-- also, the highest number of religious people live in villages with less than 1000 people
-- while in bigger cities, there is far less religious people

If you analyze those numbers, similar applies to the World's population and trends:
-- the richer the country is (like Usa or Western Europe): less people are religious and people are moving away from religions
-- the poorer country is like Middle East or eastern and central Asia: you have more religious people
-- the more educated people are: they are moving away from religion
-- the less educated an average person in a country is: you have more religious and especially religious extremists asking for extreme rules written 1000-2000 years ago
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Senior Member
I'm lazy to read your drivel, but just comment on the first paragraph.
1) I didn't have sudden "eye opening". It spells "growing up". Some people do, some don't. You apparently didn't. Still a childlike creature, who believes in leftist utopia that media brainwashes rubes into.
2) West didn't gave up religion. Even in this atheistic shithole christian values are still holding the carcass of Western civ somewhat in tact and people of faith represent true Western values. Most of you leftists are clinically insane cultist creeps, who worship state and cheer for Soviet2.0 totalitarianism with addition of death cult degeneracy that wasn't part of russian soviet.

Congratulations - you're the most anti-western guy here. Leftist only brings hatred and destruction to existing values, nothing better in place. Only corrosive shitshow.


Senior Member
I'm lazy to read your drivel, but just comment on the first paragraph.
1) I didn't have sudden "eye opening". It spells "growing up". Some people do, some don't. You apparently didn't. Still a childlike creature, who believes in leftist utopia that media brainwashes rubes into.
2) West didn't gave up religion. Even in this atheistic shithole christian values are still holding the carcass of Western civ somewhat in tact and people of faith represent true Western values. Most of you leftists are clinically insane cultist creeps, who worship state and cheer for Soviet2.0 totalitarianism with addition of death cult degeneracy that wasn't part of russian soviet.

Congratulations - you're the most anti-western guy here. Leftist only brings hatred and destruction to existing values, nothing better in place. Only corrosive shitshow.
Nah read it, quality stuff lol

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