That obviously is only true for those of higher age and/or lesser education, just like in every other country, I'd say. Generally, the level of English competence in Germany is rather high though, still not equal to Holland, or the Skandinavian countries ofc, which has a lot to do with the better education systems there as well as the habit that no one dubs movies, whereas in German, you will probably find the best dubbed movies you can find regarding the quality of the speakers, who are usually actors themselves and regularly dub the same more pupular Hollywood actors so that there is a sense of recognition. Anyways, back to LFC and Kloppo![]()
Well, i been to Germany, i was rather unimpressed with the english skills there. But it has little to do with "better education systems", as my own countrys education is nothing special for a devoloped country. My country is small and "insignificant", so its natural that the population learns a big language on the side. German is already pretty big so no big reason to learn another major language to the same degree. And the dubbing...yeah, that also annoyed me in germany, france and other countries. What we do here, is pretty much always have it cast in its true language, then just add subtitles. I feel thats just a better option, watching dubbed tv, even if i understand it is just weird.