Lliga: Real Sociedad - FC Barcelona 1-0


New member
So they come back of International break not fit to play, what joke.. Lucho should of had them in from the start of the week training.. The blame is solely on Lucho, He's the Manager and its he's responsibility to have the players ready to play.
Like I said the last time I was on hear.. Lucho is clueless and there is no hope of winning the league or champions league with him as manager.

Whether we win, Lose or draw the fact of the matter all the players should of been ready to start.


Senior Member
The man is too eccentric to ever be a good coach. If I didn't now that before he came here, I most certainly do know. There are just two away games harder than playing on Anoeta. That's on Bernabeu and on Calderon. And he leaves the two best players on the bench. :facepalm:


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Guys can we wait until after this game before busting out the pitchforks? I don't really get this lineup either, but just because I wouldn't have picked it doesn't mean it's automatically bad


New member
Crazy to bench Messi and Neymar right now, but I think his logic behind this is the following: If Neymar and Messi are both a little heavy coming back from the holidays (this must have shown in training), then he might think that he will get the most out of them by subbing them on as fresh as possible sometime in the second half when the Sociedad players are getting tired. It might work, but it might backfire like crazy as well. Especially considering that RM finally dropped points against Valencia right before the game.

Say what you will, but he's brave, that's for sure.

Positive is Montoya starting over Alves, so it's not all bad.
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Guys can we wait until after this game before busting out the pitchforks? I don't really get this lineup either, but just because I wouldn't have picked it doesn't mean it's automatically bad


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Active member
If we win this game having rested Messi and Neymar and have them nice and fresh for Atletico next week will Lucho still be an idiot?


Senior Member
Or a genius :lucho:

Currently he is walking on a line between those two. We will know where he will end up at the end of the match.

He is walking on a line indeed, but not between genius and lunatic, but between arrogant and plain stupid.

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