Senior Member
I don't think he's troll, but mildly retarded/autistic football enthusiast. No one in their right mind would devote such effort to 'just troll'. Some of the stats/issues he brings up are interesting, IF you can be bothered to sift through the convoluted meaningless fluff.
We don't really know his motives though. I'm more likely to believe that he is just as his current thread title says - retarded. To lash out at board in this manner would actually taker some incy mincy balls, but he doesn't have even those.
Madness. You're a coach. Wanted Willian? Didn't get him? Too bad! So, you're angry... what do you do? Go tell the board? Protest? Hunger strike? Quit since your squad is not good enough? No! You throw a random kid under the bus to show your dissatisfaction. Childish.
We don't really know his motives though. I'm more likely to believe that he is just as his current thread title says - retarded. To lash out at board in this manner would actually taker some incy mincy balls, but he doesn't have even those.