There would just be no replacement for Puyi, ever!Puyol: "I've always believed in Bartra and now everyone can see it. Many of the names linked to Barça by the media weren't better than him."
I would like you to know that I blame Tata majorly for this. Suspend your sarcasm and try to understand what i am saying
Rosell may not be directly responsible but he has to shoulder the blame somewhat. Whether by his actions or inactions he has to shoulder some responsibility for the decline in our focus in the cantera. he is the president. If this his not his responsibility then what is? Increasing revenue only?
Rosell could've bought new CB. Then Bartra wouldn't have been able get any playing time and leave in the future. You should realize that Rosell did a huge favor for Bartra, that possibly gonna change his career.
How many times it has to be said even if bartra performs we still need a cb. Puyol's days are numbered. Masch isn't a cb and pique needs competition. If bartra doesn't make it we need 2 cbs. Trying to sign Thiago Silva is independent of the fate of Bartra
Like he didn't try to sign one...... He and the rest of the board were obsessed with Thiago Silva and later David Luiz all summer. Had it been upto them then a CB would have been signed, but their incompetence to choose the right target and/or not taking a hint of rejection(T.Silva) ruined the chances to sign one in the end.
Identifying a CB and getting them in has nothing to do with Rosell, he went with those who are employed to make those decisions.
Luiz and Thiago Silva were virtually impossible to get and they decided not to panic and over pay for a player.
The transfers under Rosell have improved hugely
Really? So what do you say about Rosell's interview where he talked about Silva? Why would he do that if he had nothing to do with that decision to pursue him?
Because the club were perusing him and is the main spokesman for the club.
What part do you think Rosell played? Do you think he chose him as the CB the club wanted?
Identifying a CB and getting them in has nothing to do with Rosell, he went with those who are employed to make those decisions.
Luiz and Thiago Silva were virtually impossible to get and they decided not to panic and over pay for a player.
The transfers under Rosell have improved hugely
Not really. If Rosell has nothing to do with transfers then he should not talk and let Toni Frexia do his job as the spokesperson.
I believe he along with the board took that decision. I simply do not believe that Zubi or anyone else did not discuss it with Sandro before making a move.
Rosell is not responsible for transfers, cantera focus according to his defenders. So what is his role really? Increased revenues and board meetings only? Why dont we hire an Harvard MBA then? He would do a better job and take less salary
What about Neymar. That was all Rosell and his Nike connections. So dont say he's not involved in transfers
'Cantera focus'?
You just ignoring the fact that the number of Cantera players in the first team squad has almost doubled in his time?
Again its pointless to talk with you. More accurate measure of cantera focus is the amount of playtime young cantaneros like Cuenca, Bartra etc. get rather than the amount of players of whom most go on loan and others hardly get playtime. Also the B team is buying way too many players instead of developing