Mateu Morey


Senior Member
Reading Juanma Romero‏, tweets apparently the idea is for Palencia to be promoted to the main team while Morey gets promoted to the B team to take his place.

Oh good god I would have to leave the forum if Palencia gets promoted and does well.....

Nah hope he smashes it if does get called up but if that is their plans could see a promoted then loaned type situation unless Valverde thinks he is ready.


Wild Man of Borneo
Reading Juanma Romero‏, tweets apparently the idea is for Palencia to be promoted to the main team while Morey gets promoted to the B team to take his place.

Might be early for Morey but I like it. He's a serious talent and it's not unlikely that he grows under the pressure. It's a much higher level of training and he'll be playing in the Segunda division after Juvenil B. The players that usually make this step well are the talents with good footballing intelligence. Guys like Adama or Deulofeu were able to do so just because of their high skill in specific areas but Morey seems more like Aleña and Grimaldo in that he's well rounded. Even if he doesn't begin the season with the B team, I think it's fair for him to do preseason with them and have a high chance for upwards mobility so that he may join them midway through the season if he proves to be good enough. As far as I see, Juanma Romero was only positively responding to someone who asked if Morey's renewal offer meant that Palencia was being promoted and Morey being moved to the B team. Not much to say it's definitive as of now, hopefully we'll see more soon.

As for Palencia, I think he's definitely capable of being a good backup RB in the first team. If he's not ready now, he never will be and it's time we see if he's up to it.


Senior Member
As for Palencia, I think he's definitely capable of being a good backup RB in the first team. If he's not ready now, he never will be and it's time we see if he's up to it.

So, that would mean either:

a) Vidal first choice RB, Palencia back-up, no new RB
b) New RB, Palencia back-up, Vidal sold
c) New RB, Vidal 2nd choice RB, Palencia, 2nd back-up

Would you sell Vidal and move Palencia in his place, or would you stay with what we have on the right and sign no one? 3 Rbs (+ Roberto an eventual 4th) are too much to keep all of them reasonably happy.


Wild Man of Borneo
Signing a new starting caliber RB is a priority. Beyond that, I'd give Palencia a large number of minutes in preseason to at least test the waters. We need to see what his level is in comparison to Vidal overall and specifically on the defensive end (as I highly doubt he'd be better than Vidal going forward). If he proves decent enough then I'd be OK with him being 3rd backup for RB or basically share equal RB mins with Vidal. IMO Vidal's role should be a lot bigger than just backup RB, I think he would be the best backup LW/RW we have now as well and a go-to supersub given his pace and attacking abilities. If Palencia proves to be even better than hoped for, then he'd be primary backup RB and Vidal the backup LW/RW. Even in that case, Vidal should get a good amount of minutes and I genuinely feel that we could use him late in games on a fairly regular basis. If the RB is someone like Bellerin and he proves to be as bad as we fear, then the situation becomes unfortunate as we'd have 3 players capable of playing RB but none good enough to be a starter of the level we need.


Senior Member
Signing a new starting caliber RB is a priority. Beyond that, I'd give Palencia a large number of minutes in preseason to at least test the waters. We need to see what his level is in comparison to Vidal overall and specifically on the defensive end (as I highly doubt he'd be better than Vidal going forward). If he proves decent enough then I'd be OK with him being 3rd backup for RB or basically share equal RB mins with Vidal. IMO Vidal's role should be a lot bigger than just backup RB, I think he would be the best backup LW/RW we have now as well and a go-to supersub given his pace and attacking abilities. If Palencia proves to be even better than hoped for, then he'd be primary backup RB and Vidal the backup LW/RW. Even in that case, Vidal should get a good amount of minutes and I genuinely feel that we could use him late in games on a fairly regular basis. If the RB is someone like Bellerin and he proves to be as bad as we fear, then the situation becomes unfortunate as we'd have 3 players capable of playing RB but none good enough to be a starter of the level we need.

I'd go for that as it seems to be playign to players' strenghts. But I'm not sure how Palencia would be able to play RB for us, if he is not very good going forward. We play in such conditions, that he would be more often in the situation to help with build-up, than in the situation to show defensive attributes.

We at Barca play an uneven game. We attack much more than we defend, considering we have the ball a large amount of time. So, imo, I expect our RB to be able to be on the ball and play it forward even in condition that would make most players play it safe. And the problem is that when you are pressured, you can only make 1 or 2 safety passes. The 3rd and 4th pass you make, if it's not advancing the play it's either a turnover or a long pass that can be picked up by the opponent's often bigger and stronger players in the air.

So, you can see that if Palencia is a standard RB, and shows no real qualities at maneuvering the ball in tighter spaces, we'll see more and more teams pressuring hard the defenders in our team who can build from the back. If Palencia is not good on the ball, going forward, then more and more teams would apply intense pressure on Pique and Busquets, as they know these are the players who can potentially take more risk in their game while also controlling the outcome of those risky situation.

So, my basic fear is that whithout a RB who demands respect on the ball, as in a player who has to be pressured close to be blocked, we would continue to struggle big time in building from the back, no matter which midfielder we sign.

I have noticed this season, that, after losing Alves, we basically have more problems building from the back because teams know full well that Roberto will not pass the ball forward except in condition of almost zero risk. He tried to build from the back while under pressure several games in a row last season (City away, Sevilla away and others), and we could see how shaky he is when he takes that responsability on his shoulders. So, if teams know that Roberto is not confident enough to advance the play, they will keep their pressure more concetrated on Busquets and Pique, our two players who have the skill and the courage to build forward.

So, if Palencia is not very good going forward (and by this I mean that he doesn't have the courage and the skill to pass the ball forward when the margin of error is small), then how he would be able to allow us to build from the back again? I'd say not being able to build from the back is one of the main reason for this season's failures.
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Senior Member
You really believe in him? First he said that Bayern signed him. After Bayern denied it, he said that Barca offered him a new contract.

I believe that he would've signed with Bayern if Barça wouldn't come forward with a new contract proposal and let him take some time to overthink everything again. Things in football transfer market changes on hourly base so while Morey obviously didn't sign with Bayern yet at the time Romero reported that as a fact (media people are usually too quick to report things as a fact because they want to be credited with breaking news) I think he was very close to do that. I consider GR as one of the most reliable people close to the club but of course no journalist is 100% reliable and as said above things can change quickly so even if his initial informations were true it could turn out they were false a few hours later because something has changed in the meantime.

Anyway, I don't know if promoting Morey straight to Barça B is the right way to deal with this case. I would like for him to stay but club shouldn't be put under pressure from any player that gets offer from other clubs and promote him before proving he deserves that. If we start to do those things then other players will also follow his example. He's still only 17 and while he's talented he's not a once in a generation player so his place in B team shouldn't be guaranteed. That said, I'm not against him making preseason with Barça B and if he convinces Gerard and at the same time Palencia gets promoted to the first team that's another story. But he shouldn't be promoted just so he won't leave without proving he deserves a place in B team first.

About Palencia, I think it's the best for him to stay officially a Barça B player for now so he will play regularly against a better competition than he did face so far in his career but of course he should also train with first team and get minutes in CDR and easier home league games for first team as well. I prefer that approach over promoting him and then find out during the season we can't get him enough minutes in first team because he's maybe not as good and/or developed yet as some people expect him to be. Let him continue to play under less pressure in Barça B and slowly integrate him in first team. I think he's willing to accept that and there is no need to rush him. After all he's one of the players that has come as far as he did more based on his hard work than pure talent so he'd just continue to do what's worked well for him until now and believe that he can also make the next step - being promoted to the first team and eventually stay there longterm. Of course if Valverde will decide Palencia is ready to be promoted after watching him in preseason trainings/games then I'll trust him with his decision.

God Serena

New member
I believe that he would've signed with Bayern if Barça wouldn't come forward with a new contract proposal and let him take some time to overthink everything again. Things in football transfer market changes on hourly base so while Morey obviously didn't sign with Bayern yet at the time Romero reported that as a fact (media people are usually too quick to report things as a fact because they want to be credited with breaking news) I think he was very close to do that. I consider GR as one of the most reliable people close to the club but of course no journalist is 100% reliable and as said above things can change quickly so even if his initial informations were true it could turn out they were false a few hours later because something has changed in the meantime.

Anyway, I don't know if promoting Morey straight to Barça B is the right way to deal with this case. I would like for him to stay but club shouldn't be put under pressure from any player that gets offer from other clubs and promote him before proving he deserves that. If we start to do those things then other players will also follow his example. He's still only 17 and while he's talented he's not a once in a generation player so his place in B team shouldn't be guaranteed. That said, I'm not against him making preseason with Barça B and if he convinces Gerard and at the same time Palencia gets promoted to the first team that's another story. But he shouldn't be promoted just so he won't leave without proving he deserves a place in B team first.

About Palencia, I think it's the best for him to stay officially a Barça B player for now so he will play regularly against a better competition than he did face so far in his career but of course he should also train with first team and get minutes in CDR and easier home league games for first team as well. I prefer that approach over promoting him and then find out during the season we can't get him enough minutes in first team because he's maybe not as good and/or developed yet as some people expect him to be. Let him continue to play under less pressure in Barça B and slowly integrate him in first team. I think he's willing to accept that and there is no need to rush him. After all he's one of the players that has come as far as he did more based on his hard work than pure talent so he'd just continue to do what's worked well for him until now and believe that he can also make the next step - being promoted to the first team and eventually stay there longterm. Of course if Valverde will decide Palencia is ready to be promoted after watching him in preseason trainings/games then I'll trust him with his decision.

I don't think the club would promote him if he wasn't ready as a means of getting him to stay. If that was all it took and the club was so willing we'd have avoided losing many talents over the years. If Mateu is deemed ready or even close to ready giving him Barca B time is not a bad decision. If any other teens feel the desire to leave if they don't get a similar olive branch they can easily go the way of Eric Garcia.

As far as Palencia is concerned there's really nothing left to be said about what is and what's not best for him going forward. How he performs in pre-season is a large question mark for both sides and that's what will really be what determines what his role at the club will be going into next season. People who think he could be starting for us might be horrified to see he's worse defensively than Vidal. People who think he's not as good as Douglas might be shocked when he solidifies himself as a Barca quality fullback. Or he could fall somewhere in the middle. Then there's the matter of personal bias from the manager. Just ask Gomes or Rafinha how beneficial getting the coach to like you can be. The kid could suck horribly going forward but if his defending is solid enough Valverde might just keep him around because he likes his attitude. It certainly wouldn't be unheard of. All we can really do on that front is wait.


President of FC Barcelona
He's staying, Bayern ended their interest in him and he'll likely sign a new contract and get promoted to Juvenil A.
l doubt if Bayern were interested in him. Someone came out and said that they signed Morey, after they denied it, he said barca offered him a new contract and Bayern ended their interest.


New member
l doubt if Bayern were interested in him. Someone came out and said that they signed Morey, after they denied it, he said barca offered him a new contract and Bayern ended their interest.

Agreed. Gerard Romero news in this mercato have been all bullshit.


Best midfielder around
Agreed. Gerard Romero news in this mercato have been all bullshit.

It's been for some time now. I laugh when people say he is one of the most reliable journalists when it comes to Barca. Most of what he writes on Twitter is just garbage.


Senior Member
I still consider Romero reliable, but he's been all over the place when it comes to rumors. I think he's out of the loop a bit when it comes to the first team transfers the most.


Senior Member
It's been for some time now. I laugh when people say he is one of the most reliable journalists when it comes to Barca. Most of what he writes on Twitter is just garbage.

Yeah, he was good initially but it seems that he doesn't filter his news anymore

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