Matthijs de Ligt


Well-known member
Ten Hag is clueless to be fair. As for De Ligt - I used to rate him but he's clearly never gonna fulfil whatever potential he once had. He's 25 now and has to get his skates on if he's ever gonna be a top defender (doubtful).


Senior Member
Nah, he was saying the same shit about likes of Neymar, while praising duds that came off to nothing and making shit predictions about tournaments. The guy is just trying to be a broken watch.


Well-known member
De Ligts feet look like they're stuck in cement. The man has the turning radius of the Titanic.
Hope he goes to Utd.


Well-known member
He's looked a bit better last two games he's played in or so, taking into account the opposition. I still don't rate him highly though and think it will all end in tears.


Well-known member
Poor against Tottenham. I don't rate him but if he makes a go at it there fair enough. I think the maximum they can expect from him though is 'decent' or 'serviceable' rather than 'excellent' or 'transformative'. I'd be amazed if he (or any of their other signings, Yoro aside) is good enough to ever help them win a league title.

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