diegomessi when are your mcats? i know you said may, but may is coming up! have you scheduled it already? remember to do a lot of practice questions, that's very important.
I decided not to do it (ik ik i chickened out), I am going to wait a little longer and work and save money, also my GF is about to apply to grad school for counsling so i am waiting and working at a Pain clinic for 4 doctors, I like it alot and the pay is good so for now i am happy, I am only 21 so I have time on my side. Do not be mad at me
haha no problem man you are only 21?! you have a lot of time then. the average age for entry into med school in the US is 26 years i think, most people work and gain experience before or go to grad school before coming to med school. take your time, remember i'm always around if you have any questions or need advice.
actually by working in a pain clinic instead of applying right away, you are all but guaranteed to get into medical school when you apply later. work experience in a healthcare field looks very very good on an application, especially when you are working directly with a physician...or in your case 4 physicians! just make sure to establish a good relationship with one of them so they can write you a letter of recommendation when you apply, that counts for a lot.
ughhhh damn seattle scored![]()
union are about as bad as getafe lol
The excessive league power is the main reason MLS is so hard to take seriously. I know it's hard keeping control of players in such a global sport, but it makes the whole league seem artificial.
I rofl at MLS. Hey look the ball's in the air!.... woot black out at the Home Depot Arena!
US Commentator: Everyone knows Barcelona has stars, but the NY Red Bulls do, too, Like Juan Pablo Angel! Oh what a touch by Angel!*scores 0; final score 4-0* Oh well, Barcelona was just too good....
Thanks, and I am getting amazing experience and also good money, but dont worry i will not forget you. also yea philly look crap after a really good start
TBH i wish i spoke portugese and was in brasil bc i would already be half way through med school, they go at age 18 i have a friend name leo that is a well established plastic surgeon at only age 28..
You don't have any opportunities in Argentina? Porteños love their plastic surgeons!
I dont want to be a plastic surgeon at all... i dont even know if i want to be a surgeon for sure... i think i want to help terminally ill kids
Ah, good for you. I'm hoping to use my law degree for good too but I'll see how long that lasts once the debt piles up.