if we dont sign an elite midfielder we're doomed

All the terrible seasons we have had our midfield was always overrun, always
All the top teams have strong midfield starters and elite backups
Madrid,Bayern, Atleti
but for us we have
Older Iniesta who somehow puts up only 4 worldclass performances a season and everyone thinks it will be the same every single game afterwards like it was in the past.
Get over it, he will only get worse
Rakitic has been overworked for 2 seasons already. Expect Fatigue, lack of concentration and BTW he was never that creative anyway
Rafinha, Arda and Denis are not the right midfield backups
They are all wingers,#10, and CAMs
it is beyond me how you all think we have perfect backup for our CMs while none of them are CMs to start with
And even in their actual positions they are not elite either
MSN is older and more drained, they can't do it all themselves. they need an elite midfield to help them, what do they get? One year older, one year more tired, drained Iniesta and Rakitic with a Busquets who will end up even more tired playing more games since he doesnt have a single backup
yeah right
Not Samper even, kid is weak, soft and lightweight, can't defend, dont expect him to impose his will anytime sooner in our DM spot
So here it goes.
Our problem lies in MIDFIELD
We may not even need a MSN backup, coz Arda, Dennis, Rafinha are all good wingers,and any of MSN available can play CF
Neymar played there twice in his first season and he shined vs Celtic,Valladolid etc
Messi has played there for a number of seasons
it wont hurt playing them while resting Suarez