New members


New member
Hello everyone. I just joined today but I have occasionally been following this forum since 2008 and I have been a fan of FCB pretty much since my early childhood. Almost for 15 years now.

Can somebody tell me why I am not allowed to post yet? I have made 4 posts in 4 different threads but I can't seem them. I only receive a notification that states that a moderator has to approve my post?


Hello! The first few posts have to be validated by a moderator first. This way we keep trolls and bots to a minimum :) Welcome aboard.


Hello! I am from Portugal and I decided to register in this forum to give my opinion and discuss about everything that is related to F.C.Barcelona. Although Barca is not my favourite club/ the club I support, I admire barca's philosophy and playing style. I also admire a lot of barca's players, especially Messi ( I am a huge Messi fan). I follow the club closely since the time my first football idol, Deco, joined the club, and since then I want the club to succeed in every competition, only if it's not against my club (F.C.Porto) :)
Sorry for my english, It's something I need to improve.


Staff member
Welcome! How do you rate your Porto under former Barca player Lopetegui and his La Liga signings: Tello, Brahimi Torres and Adrian?


Welcome! How do you rate your Porto under former Barca player Lopetegui and his La Liga signings: Tello, Brahimi Torres and Adrian?

Thank you! About Porto, this year we have a great squad, with a lot of solutions for every position in comparison with last year. But somehow we are not playing very well. We were great in UCL, but in our home league we are 6 points behind Benfica and we lost to them 2-0 in our own stadium (and is very important to win against benfica, they are our biggest rivals). The midfield is not working correctly ( and that is not about lack of quality solutions) and we are vulnerable against every team that is good at quick transitions. Sometimes we are winning games just because of the individual quality of the players, not because we are strong as a team. Sounds familiar right? Of couse sometimes we manage to play good football, but we need to be more consistent. Brahimi is fantastic, his dribbling ability is outstanding. He needs to improve his decision making, because there are times where he wants to do everything by himself, but he has been one of the best playes. Oliver torres is also a great player, and if he continues to improve he will be a great in barcelona's midfield. Tello has been very usefull, with the same qualities and the same flaws that he had in Barcelona.


Staff member
Thanx for the recap! I agree on Brahimi, loved him at Granada. Shame Torres is not a Barca player though ;)


I know that Oliver is not a Barca player but I think that he would fit in very well in Barca because Barca's style suits him. If he continues to develop well I think that Barca should try to sign him. I hope that Atletico lets him stay in Porto one more season, because he is very important to the team and here he has all the conditions to develop well, since he his a starter and plays almost every game.


Senior Member
Just joined today, excited to find a place to talk Barca. Not real happy with the direction of the club at the moment, sure I'm not alone in that regard. I live in Atlanta, GA USA


New member
Hello everyone and happy new year. You don't need to know where I'm from. I support Manchester United and Barcelona are my second team mainly because of Pep Guardiola as I think he is the greatest and the most intelligent human to ever walk on planet earth. Also as has been diagnosed by my fat idiot shrink that I have inherent glory seeking tendency so following two of the biggest clubs in the world is a natural cure for this condition of mine.:) So maybe I'm am not a hardcore supporter like most but United and Barca winning makes me happy and that is why I follow this beautiful game.

I found this forum after the Real Sociedad debacle as I wanted to be updated with the chaos at the club currently and it appears this is a good place to talk about football so I decided to register. Thank You.

Home of Barca Fans
