Why?Call me a neylover or whatever but he really shouldn't have said that. Sure what he said is completely true but there is a certain amount of diplomacy needed when you are such a big personality. You just can't just say whatever you feel like.
For all that talk of Thiago Silva supposedly being a good captain he sure does fuck all in trying to rein in Neymar.
PSG is full of cowardly shits who are afraid to rein in Neymar when he starts acting up. Shit like this if you let fester for to long without proper leadership would cause turmoil in the dressing room.
Uggh. I read this xavi stuff somewhere else and thought its BS but looks like its not.
Call me a neylover or whatever but he really shouldn't have said that. Sure what he said is completely true but there is a certain amount of diplomacy needed when you are such a big personality. You just can't just say whatever you feel like.
Why is El Mundo mentioning a renewal bonus? They are not the same.
I dunno. Maybe there was something in the contract about it and Barto was prepared to let it go. But, since the Neyfather and Neychild are not giving up suing them over the loyality bonus, he might as well try to get something for Barca out of this.
Why would Neymar sue us, If he didn't think they have a case? It seems like they believe they deserve more money from Barca.
Let's hope he just burns his own money doing this.
Neydaddy and Neyson don't strike me as very inteligent individuals. They are quite possibly going into this court case based on anger and greed, while Barto and his lawyers have put some kind of secret fuses iinto contract for this scenario.
I believe it's written in the contract that he can only obtain his loyality bonus if he doesn't have any contacts with another club until it's due to be paid, which he has clearly had, since he told his teammates that he's leaving at Messi's wedding. Neyson and Neydaddy probably think that loyality bonus has to be paid if he stays at the club until the date and other things don't matter, which doesn't make sense with obligatory release clauses.
Neymar arrogantly thinks he is bigger than the club and that they will win this case easily. Hopefully Barto gets that 8.5 million in damages and stomps Neyfamily to the ground.