Wish him a good recovery. Hopefully one of the players we bought in January (Rivera, McGuane, Hongla) can step up but I still think we'll miss Oriol a lot.
So it seems that he will go straight to the pre-season with the A team (The last time Valverde was asked, it seems that he will take Alena, Arnaiz and him on it).
He's only just turned 19, so he's still very young. If he can avoid any more injuries like this he should be fine, especially being a DM that doesn't rely on his speed and technical skills as much as his brain.
I feel like many of our youngsters are unlucky with injuries, but lets hope he come back not too rusty if he is to play pre-season with the first team.
Now could actually be a great time to extend his contract with as many years as possible and show that we believe in him..
Maybe a Alena-like contract where some of the extension is conditioned by moving to the first team?
[tw]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Contract renewal negotiations between Barcelona and Oriol Busquets' agent are well-advanced. A preliminary agreement could be reached next week. [md]</p>— barcabstuff (@barcabstuff) <a href="https://twitter.com/barcabstuff/status/966958919745548288?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">February 23, 2018</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> [/tw]
Ahhh nice I really like this boy. Felt Samper was more close to Busi in terms of playing style and calmness, but Oriol is also a gem. Hopefully we will se more of him when he's back.