Ousmane Dembélé


Well-known member
Only going by form and hype.

In reality, if they and Bayern actually played it would be a tight game between two good teams.

People probably though Bayern would struggle against Leverkusen, but they pumped them.

People thought Man U would get hammered by Arsenal, but they did not. People thought City would beat Forest, but they didn't.

Saying PSG would destroy Bayern is something that likely wouldn't happen in reality, especially deep into the CL knockouts.

Only Noobs thought that!

Jokes aside yeah dude we will see what the future shows but this is the best PSG team of all time and i cant imagine them going out vs a team which doesnt have the name Real or Barca. I will be here to mention you if this happens!


Well-known member
If you don't rate donna that's on you.

I moan about flick not being situationally aware and pushing the line high late in games when the game is won.

Get it right, if you trying to come at me bro.

You're doing that thing you do sometimes again, just talking for the sake of talking.
Flick is situationally aware, if you watched the last 3 months of his football and have come to a different conclusion then it's your problem

There is no problem with the high line being up if the players are disciplined. Only time we choked in this year like that was Atletico where subs took out all the control we've had

All this considered and our relative consistency since start of the season (except for November-December which was also a period of solid football not coinciding with terrible results) there is nothing that makes PSG favourites ahead of Flick's team

They seem offensively better than Madrid but in late CL games that would probably not be the case with all their players turning up and also Madrid looks more solid in defense which is what puts them ahead as well


Senior Member
It's not being discussed because we are predicting them as CL winners, obviously they are statistical underdogs as any top team is at this point given there are 4 or 5 great teams still in the competition.

Being brought up mainly because of the irony that a Dembele 'led' PSG is delivering them their best look in Europe rather than Neymar and Mbappe ; the thought that Dembele would better Neymar or Mbappe's legacy at PSG almost instantly after he joined is amusing to people. Especially given the effort put into building the prior squads.

Nothing that serious in it as not likely to happen anyway but they are one of the top contenders for it clearly, as Barca or Madrid or Inter are.

Bro just leave it alone, nuance skipped these guys in this debate.


Well-known member
It's not being discussed because we are predicting them as CL winners, obviously they are statistical underdogs as any top team is at this point given there are 4 or 5 great teams still in the competition.

Being brought up mainly because of the irony that a Dembele 'led' PSG is delivering them their best look in Europe rather than Neymar and Mbappe ; the thought that Dembele would better Neymar or Mbappe's legacy at PSG almost instantly after he joined is amusing to people. Especially given the effort put into building the prior squads.

Nothing that serious in it as not likely to happen anyway but they are one of the top contenders for it clearly, as Barca or Madrid or Inter are.
Again, I never mentioned Mbappe or Neymar. You people's obsession with comparing 'legacies' is boring.

I am saying that Dembele is a good player, not a great player, whose current form is above his actual level. And that PSG will likely not win the CL - not just because there's better teams in the competition, but because they have a history of fucking it up when it matters.

Debating what will happen in the following three rounds when none of us know is absolutely pointless. As are comments that they would 'destroy current Bayern' based on absolutely nothing.


Senior Member
Top 2? Are you just basing this on the hype around them? How many times have you watched them in Ligue 1?

Nobody was talking about them until recent weeks. This is knee-jerk as fuck lol.
They are in the group of a handful of top teams of which none are clearly better than the others yet. Due to lack of experience they are less likely to win than us or Madrid, but their chance is not so far off either.

Wouldn't put them at lower than 40 percent in any fixture.


Well-known member
Only Noobs thought that!

Jokes aside yeah dude we will see what the future shows but this is the best PSG team of all time and i cant imagine them going out vs a team which doesnt have the name Real or Barca. I will be here to mention you if this happens!
What have they done to show they are the 'best PSG team of all time'? Maybe they are, but they have done and won fuck all so far.


Well-known member
They are in the group of a handful of top teams of which none are clearly better than the others yet. Due to lack of experience they are less likely to win than us or Madrid, but their chance is not so far off either.

Wouldn't put them at lower than 40 percent in any fixture.
Never said they aren't a good team, but top 2 team in Europe lol? Did anyone say that before they played Liverpool off the park last week?

It is just sheer reactionary bollocks. Yeah they can beat anyone, they can also lose to anyone. That's football.

I honestly think some of you guys are getting carried away with recency bias. Affects a lot of football fans.

Dembele himself is a microcosm of PSG as a whole - people getting extremely carried away with the moment, rather than the long-term.


Senior Member
Flick is situationally aware, if you watched the last 3 months of his football and have come to a different conclusion then it's your problem

There is no problem with the high line being up if the players are disciplined. Only time we choked in this year like that was Atletico where subs took out all the control we've had

All this considered and our relative consistency since start of the season (except for November-December which was also a period of solid football not coinciding with terrible results) there is nothing that makes PSG favourites ahead of Flick's team

They seem offensively better than Madrid but in late CL games that would probably not be the case with all their players turning up and also Madrid looks more solid in defense which is what puts them ahead as well

Where did i say they are favorites vs us Madrid?

Or better yet did anyone here ever say that?

I've said and heard other's say they are dark horses and will be a difficult match up for any team they face, due to them having a very good team back to front and pace to burn.

Re flick and our defense, good you are now saying what I've actually said about our defense and flick, we need to adjust the line depending on the time of the game and the score.


Well-known member
This reminds me of last season when Arsenal were the media darlings and everyone's best team in Europe. Look at them now. And don't use the injuries excuse - they were struggling prior to that.


Well-known member
I've said and heard other's say they are dark horses and will be a difficult match up for any team they face
Nobody has denied that. What people (Monte and me) are baffled by are claims they're a top 2 team in Europe, the best PSG team ever, would destroy Bayern, and that Dembele is leading them to CL glory, lol.


Well-known member
Anyway can't be bothered arguing anymore. Life is far too fucking short to waste debating about PSG and fucking Ousmane Dembele, or football in general.

That goes for the rest of you here too - we all need to get lives, rather than spending all our days on here talking about a game where the protagonists don't even know we exist. I am on here all the time and so are most of you (y)

I apologise for my attitude in here, especially in interacting with jamrock, who to be fair has never done me any harm. But I feel we are all spending way too much time on here. It isn't good.
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Well-known member
This version of PSG in good from back to front.

No line of there team as an obvious weakness.
Goalkeeper 8/10
Defense 7/10
Midfield 8/10
Attack 7/10.

and dembele as obviously been there best player this season.

Their only issue is not facing top competition on a weekly basis and the lack of a real striker may comeback to haunt them.
defo the most balanced they've been in years. Could even rate Attack & Midfield at 8.5 but their Defense is Gruyère

and Donna is known for his damsel's in distress episodes at rapid chess games and panics in the face of sudden, unexpected bursts when he doesn't have time to catch his bearings.

They won't bottle the finale and will still prob score a couple but we'll outscore them is how I see it unfolding.

As for blancos & overrated Mobutu, they take the exit ramp tonight héhé beautiful times!!! 🥳🥂🎈


Senior Member
That's a freaking dumb comparison to be honest lol, Dembele is literally playing as a striker while Ney was feeding goals to Mbappe and still delivering a fair amount himself

Then there's the more important thing that a guy like Dembele can never overtake the legacy of a footballer like Neymar, not if he scores a thousand goals
Except Dembele isn't playing as a striker, they switch (you see Dembele coming to the midfield or playing in the wings). He played at the lw a long period in the game and Barcola switched up top, he also created chances for Kvara in the game, and Joao Neves in the first leg.

So, Dembele is more of a false 9 or freely roaming player, and Neymar had that in PSG too (obviously Neymar is far more talented). One thing i would mention is that Neymar was always injured at PSG, so if Dembele remains injury free with this form, then expect more goals.

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