Lelouch vi Britannia
He has a very specific skillset. He just can't do anything else.
He's a good player off the ball. On it, he basically does nothing.
He's a good player off the ball. On it, he basically does nothing.
Score a couple goals next game and he’s PaulinGod again.
Man I love this forum.
Score a couple goals next game and he’s PaulinGod again.
Man I love this forum.
There is a group of players, who can be classified as "haters" on this forum. Pretty much every player (well maybe Iniesta and Messi dont have any) has a hater or more, way moreandre
for some. Depending on how well a player does, those haters will either crawl out of their holes or then crawl back into them. You need to recognize them separately for each player. God Serena for example, is a Paulinho hater (and hater of many others as well). As long as we play well, he is more or less silent, has a few posts per week maybe. Once we struggle or especially if one of the players from his hated group play bad, he is having a field day and comes out with bold statements like Ive always told you he sucks. He will not back out of this hatred even if player plays good for a while, he just goes silent on the topic.
If you do not pay attention, you may feel like people go from plus to minus in matter of minutes here, but it is more different people coming with their weird agendas, generating this.
There is also anti-hater group in fanboys. Those are people who for some odd reason are particulary fond of couple of players. Difference is mainly that fanboys almost always defend their favorite players, even if they play bad and double the praise if they play good, while haters just turn silent.
I never understood the concept of being fan or hater of individual player in team-game, but it seems to be quite a common thing.
Score a couple goals next game and he’s PaulinGod again.
Man I love this forum.
Score a couple goals next game and he’s PaulinGod again.
Man I love this forum.
He can score the wining goals from now till CL final. It will not change the fact that he is garbage on the ball and should never be a Barça player.
Yup, goals or no goals he's not good enough to be a starter here. I don't care if he scores a hat-trick if he can't do his actual job properly.
If he scores a hat trick he most likely is doing a large part of his job.