Pedro Rodriguez



I use PMS in fifa and I rape every team I play, I dont have a draw or a loss in La Liga, CL and CDR. They have 96 goals between the 3 of them and its only December. I hope they become such an epic combo IRL too.


Senior Member
I use PMS in fifa and I rape every team I play, I dont have a draw or a loss in La Liga, CL and CDR. They have 96 goals between the 3 of them and its only December. I hope they become such an epic combo IRL too.

Lol are you seriously bragging about playing against the computer? It's so easy to play against it even on legendary difficulty...


Senior Member
i so want Pedro to become the awesomeness he was again :/

he has that "aura" of genuinity and working for the team that i love, but its been such a long time now...


Lol are you seriously bragging about playing against the computer? It's so easy to play against it even on legendary difficulty...

I was making a comparison, if i field Villa or Afellay that "magic" PMS have is gone.


New member
The first half he was really bad..his passes were only sideways and he had some misses., but the goal gave him confidence. I hope we will see the Pedro we all know and love very soon.


Mike the Knife
Pep is awesome...Pedro is key, no doubt about it...watching him tonight, I remembered how much more dangerous Barça are when he is healthy & energize

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