Time to sell him now. Always injured and out of form. A surplus to the squad. As we have Messi,Alexis,Fabregas,Tello,Villa(When return Fit),Cuenca.
Teribble, just teribble..:icon_neutral:
Don't know if I've seen 90 good minutes from him this season. Right now Tello or Cuenca should start instead of him.
Of course he's going to make it...who's gonna take his place? Torres?At this rate, I wonder if he's gonna make the Euro squad. It would suck for him to miss it as it's pretty much the only thing he's never won.
Of course he's going to make it...who's gonna take his place? Torres?![]()
Silva>Mata>Pedro= No Euro for Peter.Two totally different players. I would definitely choose Pedro over Mata. Everything Mata can do, Silva does better.
Silva>Mata>Pedro= No Euro for Peter.
Of course he's going to make it...who's gonna take his place? Torres?![]()