Culé de Celestial Empire
So Pep will be Bayern's SAF?
Ja, unfortunately. Meanwhile, many Bayern fans are so pissed that he stays.

So Pep will be Bayern's SAF?
No doubt. But enough to make him leave the love of his life? I still think there is more to it than that - and the reasons he himself gave.Guess his bad relations with Rosell also played a part. At Bayern it seems like he enjoys good relations with Sammer, KHR and all the other guys in charge.
Pep in his own words left Barca as he was physically exhausted and was struggling to motivate the players.
If it comes to that point he will leave Bayern, the timescales are not really relevant.
Guess his bad relations with Rosell also played a part. At Bayern it seems like he enjoys good relations with Sammer, KHR and all the other guys in charge.
I think you are right on the money, Don. That is also what "Pep Confidential" pretty much said. Being unable to motivate the players and not being able to offer more was just an excuse for his personality and philosophical clash/divide from Rosell and his lieutenants.
I wonder what is so different at Bayern that makes the job so much less taxing than it was back home at Barça? I mean the pressure should be just as persistent and galling in Bavaria, right?
I honestly believe Pep leaving was just as much down to him realising that his team was in decline and in bitter need of reinvigorating. Something that he at the time wasn't interested in being in charge of - perhaps he was afraid he'd taint his legacy or ruin his relationship with his home town club, should thing turn sour? Was he exhausted? No doubt? Is it that much more relaxing at any other title challenger out there? Doubtful.
With barca he had to compete with real madrid and all there spanish authorities backing. Now at bayern he has no one to compete with and they probably have the madrid style backing
It so happened that Bayern were completely dominated by Dortmund for 2-3 years before Pep moved there... It was AFTER he signed for them that their domination started
And Pep signed for them even before they won the treble... Or at least was in talks.A lot of Bayern fans would disagree with that, he did get a trebble winning team..