Why? I just responded the reply you gave to me.
I disagreed that Lucho has surpassed Pep after the former's first season and you brought up the supercopa (which we didn't play at all).
i feel charitable tonight so
1) The context of the quote was back in the summer 2014, when the mood was particularly gloomy after rm won the copa and CL, atletico won the league and never lost to us in 6 games, messi had fitness issues, etc. Trying to raise expectations sky-high was certainly not the kind of praise that barca or lucho needed especially now that we know the latter's character better. Quote felt even more ridiculous in january, of course. And then barca won the treble in a more dominant way than 2009. That's funny. This season barca has a very good chance of improving on 09-10, so atm pep's quote definitely still stands
2) You don't seem to have grasped the meaning of "up until now". Pep coached for four full seasons, one for Enrique. Should lucho win another treble, he'd definitely have surpassed guardiola "up to then"... and if after that barca didn't win anything for two years guardiola's time would have been better in the end. You seem to think my conclusion was permanent while it obviously can't be.
3) i mentioned the supercopa that we lost against athletic as a possible reason why you'd consider lucho's time 'til now inferior to guardiola's first 18 months or so.
don't know where your comment on guardiola not playing the supercopa in his first season came from. Only reason i can think of is you somehow assume lucho has ? He didn't. Neither played the supercopa in their first season. At the beginning of 2nd year pep won and lucho lost.
4) You may not know this but punctuating every other sentence with "..." is very passive-aggressive... Especially when initiating a boring discussion based on misunderstood premises... ... ...
As this is completely OT i suppose it will be moved from here, sorry about that i guess