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Yet I never claimed Pep had been spectacular at Bayern or was at City last season.
You just ignoring his time at Barcelona though. Good going.
Not really, as this entire discussion is about his time after Barcelona.
Yet I never claimed Pep had been spectacular at Bayern or was at City last season.
You just ignoring his time at Barcelona though. Good going.
Not really, as this entire discussion is about his time after Barcelona.
So why only focus on Bayern and one year at City when saying how 'spectacular' Pep has been as a manager?
But how many managers have done a spectacular job multiple places?
with Xavi , Iniesta , Messi and Dinho do you know how many points we were behind Real , under Rijkard ?Winning PL comfortably with a team, that season before ended up 10th, is pretty spectacular.
with Xavi , Iniesta , Messi and Dinho do you know how many points we were behind Real , under Rijkard ?. Do you knkw chelski players revolted and played shit to sack mourinho when they finished 10th ? Do you know Mourinho won the Pl a season before that handsomely with the same squad ?
Can you read this quote by Donak?
Do you understand what "spectacular job in multiple places" means?
Do you realize Barcelona is not multiple place, but 1?
Jesus, i have given you credit for being treated harshly here, but you just spam random bullshit now. Read before reply okey?
Pep is one of the reason behind that . Not just the players . Because he was such a idealist we witnessed such breath taking football. Sure there would have been cup wins under a different manager but not with the way we won under Pep . Real trusted Rafa because he won two league's with Valencia and a Cl in Liverpool . By trust , what i meant is owners are willing to spend shitload . That wasn't the case with other city managers and Rafa in Real Madrid
You brought up Conte as a manager that had been 'spectacular' and then when challenged on how 'spectacular' you brought Pep into it as a direct comparison but ignored his time at Barca.
You are all over the place.
None of those managers went past Christmas with such a lead and being a Top Cl contenderOf course he is one of the reasons behind that. All puzzle pieces needed to be right.
Manchester City has spent big under every manager, here are the sums since 2011 transfer season, last 2 are Peps.
87 mil
How is it irrelevant ..With all the La Masia players you mentioned we were far behind Real . Pep showed some guts to promote Busi in to a midfield which was going to dominate for a decade . It was the same Chelsea side that won under Mourinho which conte got to manage . Just that players had a fall out with mou and played like shit to get him sacked .No i do not how many points we were down, i can easily check it out if you want to though? think we were 3rd that season, neither is that in any way relevant to this discussion?
Yes of course i know Mou won with that squad, also irrelevant sigh.
No, i brought up Conte as i was asked to bring out someone who has been spectacular in different clubs and he was first that came to my mind. notice again.
Yes and then when called on Conte not being all that spectacular brought up Pep and ignored his time at Barca.
Get it.
How is it irrelevant ..With all the La Masia players you mentioned we were far behind Real . Pep showed some guts to promote Busi in to a midfield which was going to dominate for a decade . It was the same chelses side that won under Mourinho which conte got to manage . Just that players had a fall out with mou and played like shit to get him sacked .
No, i brought up Conte as i was asked to bring out someone who has been spectacular in different clubs and he was first that came to my mind. notice again.
Yes and then when called on Conte not being all that spectacular brought up Pep and ignored his time at Barca.
Get it.
No as it makes no sense, english please
No as it makes no sense, english please
Yes you are making no sense.
Yes you are making no sense.
i take my win as this is how you usually lose the arguments, start talking complete random shit and then quoting if noone gets it.
Getting late anyways, good night.