Positive Thinking Cules


Cardenal de Catalunya
You lot are pathetic. If you are not being able to contribute to this thread in any kind, then please don't post just for the sake of posting. It's not called PTC for nothing. Take your rants elsewhere.


Cardenal de Catalunya
finding positives tonight is like finding food at the bottom of a rubbish dump, plip.

If you, and plenty of others can't see even the slightest positive thing out there, then that's basically your own problem.

¡Tots units fem força! i venim a guanyar tot que hi ha!


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We only need a draw against Madird in the Bernabeu to retain the top spot of the table (assuming only goal-difference seperates us by then)


New member
Abidal will be back for the Bernabeu game, so we could use our optimal defence, if everything is okay.


sorry i am just massivley pissed off

We all are dude.

But remember guys, we were on the verge of an early CL exit last November but we managed to turn things around against a tough opponent like Inter. And the same applies to our sweet classico victory..

Beating both valencia and stuttgart will be more than enough to tip the odds back in our favor.

Have Faith
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