New member
No penaldos today
If there were more refs like this one, Ibra and CR7 would be in so much shit.
No penaldos today
Mourinho gets massive praise for how organised and well drilled his teams are when they succesfully park the bus.
Arsenal get far more negative comments than Chelsea or Mourinho who are probably the most praised team in the league by pundits etc.
Yeah Ronaldo has taken the most penalties by far. Back late last year the tally was 57. I think Messi was 36?
Wrong foot for Ramires, his left isn't too great.
Nah, it's pretty mixed.
Whereas when Arsenal park a bus (Liverpool, Man City, Spurs this season for example) it doesn't even get recognised as such.
Here it is:
Ibra 2nd. This was in November last year. Hazard has missed one and scored a few since then I believe.
Oh yes.
What I had in mind was penaldo-goals as a % of total goals. But since Penaldo scores more non-penaldo goals than Ibra, his ratio is a bit better.
Hazard is also fast developing into a penaldo-mongerer.
Yeah, like last week I haven't felt worried when Arsenal attack. We're pretty in control when it comes to our defending.
Both on Oscar should have been pens, Cesc probably not.