Can someone explain the timing? On Christmas after his team won 4:0? Problems with the management or what?
I can't exactly explain the timing either. We are mostly surprised.
A lot of PSG fans were tired about Tuchel looooonnnngggg time ago but he wouldn't be sacked because he was Doha choice. We knew from the get go he wasn't going along with Leonardo. To be fair, he wasn't going along with Antero Henrique either.
Maybe Qatar got fed up with the games quality or more likely they just got angry about his recent words in the media which prompted his dismissal. He said on an "not club sanctionned" interview for a German media that coaching for PSG was hard because it was not only about football, etc. He was actually questionned about that yesterday in the post game interview by Canal + "journalist" but he deflicted saying it was an incorrect translation of what he meant.
I'm not sad at all to see him leave, it should have happened way earlier. Now, you always know what you lose but not what you will win. We might just go from bad to worse.