I wonder what job valverde will take next
Farming and goat caring
I wonder what job valverde will take next
I wonder what job valverde will take next
"Too many training sessions will piss off our senior players, they will go against Setien and his ways"
Imagine Ernie scratching even surface, while this guy can dissect every goal they scored on tactical basis.
I'm joining cautious, but very optimistic brigade. Only thing important for me about him is whether he got testicular fortitude to cope with all the nonces in current year's Barca, both players and management.
Could not agree more . I trade laliga title any day for a great combinations football with fast breaks, clever passing and dribling in the box. That is why I like Barca ... not %-football, that is based on analytics in databases, that means cowardly passing 100x vertically or back to CB. ("aka Raki-style")I think if we can just get #3 [Eye pleasing football] on your list a lot of people will be happy with the new coach.
.... but let's not build statues for him before he's coached a single match for us.
Setien can even provide Fortnite partners for his players.
He's 60 and has more verve and positivity about him than Valverde could ever imagine.
This just can't be a thing about being new. I am genuinely excited about Setien's Barca.
And yes, results are secondary. I am interested about Barca being Barca again. That football I can enjoy on my weekends again.