Quique Setien


Senior Member
The quote that stood out with me since signing Setien is Abidal saying that together they can do something great.

I think this emphasisis the rupture of sporting vision that Valverde had with the signings.

From the integration of youth players (Alena, Puig) to the signings (Malcom, Firpo) Valverde didn't really go all out to try and bring the best out of every investment. It was always a results today at the sacrifice of everything else deal.

Setien has my full support and looks like a kid in a candy store. Let's hope that excitement invigorates the next generation of this team and we see guys like Lenglet, Firpo, Arthur, de Jong, Dembele, Ansu, Griezmann, Semedo explode.


Senior Member
Yes, we all speak about resumes and experience and whatnot. These matter of course. But at the end of the day there are always highly competent managers around who have been waiting for their shot and that never came. And for this guy, it came at 61. And now it's up to him to seize it, make the right calls and adjustments and bring this team back to being a force in Europe. Barca manager is literally the maximum in the sport a manager like Setien could wish for. The ball is now in his court so to speak.


New member
..... responding to it logically.

OK - I believe, that EV was NEVER in the position to get actively anything out of Messi unless Messi is willing to do this himselfe - nor do believe EV has helped Messi in a big way to get better/stay great. So EV's role was, again, here passiv - IMHO!.

Literaly gave examples of how intense training is bad for older squads and you don't respond to it instead you ask for a ban. Done interacting with you, welcome to the ignore list.

We all agree that a long term training plan for 20 year old player should look different than for 30+ year old guys. Do we? Ok, can we move on?
No one here knows shit, how intense for how long what they did - how much pausing they had and so on ... this discussion is just useless.
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This intense training is dumb and stinks of mid table mediocrity.

Renowned hard man David Moyes came to United and ruined many of the players such as Van Persie with his brutal training methods.

Under 30 year olds fine this training can work well like Poch showed but once a certain age is reached it doesn't work anymore like spurs showed this season.

This type of training will kill Messi, Pique, Vidal etc. It's not sustainable in the long run and I am worried it may make Messi injury prone and accelerate the end of his career.

One of the best things about EV was that he got the best out of Messi and knew how to handle him and keep him happy.

This is one of the most ill informed posts I've ever read on a forum in my life. Do you not think that managers like Klopp and Pep aren't out there running intense training sessions with their teams all the time? Probably the two best managers in the world right now.

The type of training that Setien is doing is completely different to what Moyes did. Moyes is all about physical work without the ball. Basically, running hard laps. Setien has increased the intensity in the actual training session. Basically, getting the squad to train the way they are going to play. There's not a magic switch that players can turn on/off when they step on to the field. The lack of intense training is directly responsible for the poor play and the breakdowns late in games while Valverde was in charge.


Senior Member
That just shows how unfit they are and how poor the quality of Valverde's training sessions were.

No, no, according to the pro-Valverde experts, if the older players can't train properly, the manager has to devise a special 'part time' program to cater to their current capabilities. This means soft training sessions and frequent days off.

Then the same pro-Valverde experts turn on some of the players (who are required to put in more work than the veterans) have mysterious 'stamina issues'.


Senior Member
Reports are saying that he decided to use Fati-Griezmann-Messi with Perez as a backup for tomorrow and near future.

No words on the midfield and fullbacks yet.


Senior Member
People don't understand how good a FIDE rating of 2100 as an amateur is. I'm a chess enthusiast and I'll probably never get to that level (I'm USCF ~1800 which is like ~FIDE 1600-1700).

We know this FOR SURE. His brain clearly has the capacity for high level pattern recognition, intricate tactics, and overall strategy.

3 qualities that Ernesto "Pass the ball to Messi" seemed to lack.


New member
yes, before game with Getafe

"I never give much importance to physical preparation, it is a very ethereal way of influencing the team," Valverde said. "When you win it is that you are well and when not, it is that you do not work for it.

"No one really understands physical preparation, it is about getting ready. It is true that there are setbacks, more than we would like, but it is what it is. I don't blame the preseason or anything like that. We are at Barca and we know what we have to do."

This is incredible. :lol:

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