(their players naturally have better physical skills than our guys)
Just a tiny clarification for the known agendas of good old BBZ. These are essential and elementary footballing principles, not truly wise to argue with:
There is no such thing in football as physical skills.
There are related factors:
- physicality is NOT a skill, it is either a bodily state or an aptitude.
- physically strong players can be extremely awkward, slow, clumsy or inflexible, if their physical strength (or even height) is NOT combined with actually technical capabilities.
- in contemporary football the execution speed is almost EVERYTHING, regardless physical strength, hence less bodily-mass can often be an advantage.
- endurance is also a physical factor but it is not a skill either.
- most physical factors can be worked upon but only to a certain extent, usually the general state will be determined by specific training.
- a fast and technically gifted player is ALWAYS preferred by 99% of coaches, physicality is just an additional factor - for mostly defenders.