U played 3 games as us Meta ...
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's an appropriate response to a post the quality of Beast's.
are you arsene wenger in disguise?
`someone as well-versed in the art of whoring a brand name as you are should know it's not just the matches which generate revenue.
anyway considering a Chinese club recently made Dario Silva the 2nd highest paid player in the world, it wouldn't surprise me if your extra 6m came from those two games and that kickabout with the 109 kids alone!
For a club that won the double you are taken for a ride.. it's not just about China, we even took more money in the states for the exact same amount of games
I mean for a CL+League champions you are really idiots
It's popularity and brand.. our ability to generate money from nowhere is amazing ...
might be something to do with the fact that the Real madrid thread is in a Barcelona forum.