ouch you hurt them Nando
not really...i guess they'll continue like this, just for the fuck of it. disrigarding the facts and unable to see, that a powerfull buisnessman like pérez, would not have been able to create the company he created, if he was not able to admit mistakes and learn from his own mistakes.
pérez made mistakes in the past. so far, pérez, valdano & co. apperently learned from their previous mistakes, picking up the positiv things from their old concept and improve it by avoiding to make the same mistakes again. i'm sure a lot of cules do know that and see it, but prefer to repeat their line like a broken record over and over again, hoping that at some point, i might actually become reality.
no need to IMO...it will take real at least one more summer spending spree and another half season till the new signings adopt, before they can make up for calderons & mijats mistakes and before they can close in (not match or level) barcas gameplay!!! the current team is good, damn good in some areas. but there is still too many players at real that don't belong there (like gago, garay, VDV, drenthe (debatable)) or no longer (guti). plus the ones nearing retirement (raul (maybe), ruud, guti (again)).
my point, there is still plenty of work to be done, before real madrid can seriously harm you guys. till then, you have nothing to fear for IMO, only yourself (meaning the team, not the guys who post here). and once that work is done, we should be looking forward to great classicos and la liga show-downs.
doesn't really belong here, but wtf...i actually feel pretty sorry for agüero!!! he is so wasted at atletico. his potential is beyond atleti and staying with them means stalling his growth IMO. he should move to a big club...barca would do better by replacing henry with agüero instead of robinho and real could have a great replacement for raul and after selling benzema due to him flopping completly (one can dream
