Cule Angles
Visca el filòsof!
Also - Ralf Schumacher is gay!? since when?
Since Michael was the one who got all the girls?
Also - Ralf Schumacher is gay!? since when?
yea if he did coke in a bathroom and one person saw it the paper would be buying up that story immediately so if he does do coke he betteronly do it in his home bathroom
It only lasted one or two seconds. Pulled out the flag, showed it, hid it back under his coat. Should have lasted longer. He had the flag and the stupidity, but not the balls.
He did it when no one of the fans in his vicinity saw it and only for one second.
It's like when you have gym class in high school and the boys' locker room is adjacent to the girl's locker room. Every guy wants a peek at the emerging titties of fourteen year olds.
You have the guys that can't suppress the need for titties but only peek over the wall for a simple second because his heart and nerves can't stand more. On the other hand, you also have the big balled guys who just open the door of the ladies locker room and check out the emerging stuff while frowning left or right eyebrow.
He belongs to the first category. Sure, it's cooler than the abstaining gays or "I rather play with Lego"dudes in your class, but he is not quite part of the big balled boys.
Stunts like Jimmy Jump pulls (not Barcelona related, if it was a madridista it would be equally legendary), that is the stuff legends are made of.